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Marco de análisis del mecanismo de desarrollo limpio y las oportunidades del mercado del carbono para el desarrollo de Colombia

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá


Introduction. The collateral effect of irresponsible “progress” has brought as a consequence an increase of the greenhouse gases (GHG), which contribute in several ways to climate change given their concentrations in the atmosphere and their potential of global warming. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, celebrated in 1992, was the base for the negotiations contained by the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. This protocol is based on a fundamental premise: To recognize shared but differentiated responsibilities in which industrialized nations, which generate most of the GHG and are thus the ones with the main responsibility of global warming, must also lead the solution of the situation. Objective. To strengthen the Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM) projects, harnessing the opportunities offered by the consolidation of the regulated market of carbon. Methodology. A conceptual framework of the climate change is exposed and the regulatory and technical bases of CDM are compiled. The study, also, includes a revision of CDM´s state of the art in Colombia, providing a context of this reality with other countries from the region, and introduces projections of the regulated market in order to foresee strategies for their strengthening, their penetration and their divulgation among the Colombian sectors. Results. Considering Colombia´s geographical and industrial potential, the greenhouse gases reduction (finally CER generated) is way below the expectations of a country with strong agricultural and livestock, mining and energy sectors, which are all great greenhouse gases generators. There is, therefore, a potential not exploited by the country. Conclusions. Colombia is below its potential for the penetration of CDM projects, mainly due to: i) Lack of knowledge of decision makers about the opportunities carbon market has, especially because of a lack of information and training, ii) High prices associated to the elaboration and implementation of this type of projects and iii), Lack of financial instruments to develop sustainable projects.



Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, Mercado del carbono, Protocolo de Kioto, Desarrollo sostenible, Mecanismo de desarrollo limpio (MDL), Certificado de reducción de emisiones (CER)
