Sincronización y resincronización de celos y de ovulaciones en ganado de leche y carne
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
In the dairy cattle the detection of cows in state of
zeal has become one of the most important factors
that diminish the reproductive efficiency. Although
diverse complementary methods exist to improve the
detection of those cows, the synchronization of
ovulations and systematic insemination of all of the
animals which state of zeal has not been detected,
has become a viable and easy alternative of
implementing with that from which a fertility rate from
35 to 40% can be obtained. In meat herds, artificial
insemination has not been used as a tool for the
genetic improvement, due to the difficulty in detecting
the animals in zeal, and this is due to the geography
of the pasture grounds and to the technical capacity
of the personnel in charge of detecting animals in
zeal, and of inseminating them. The implementation
of programs for synchronizing ovulations and
systematic insemination allows the elimination of the
zeal detection process in breeding herds and
concentrate the efforts on the artificial insemination
task in a short time, allowing this task to be made by
the veterinarian or a qualified technician and
achieving a fertility rate from 40 to 50%. The
combination of programs of ovulation resynchronizations
with the precocious detection of
empty animals, allows the systematic insemination
of the empty animals without detecting zeal in the returns and to achieve a fertility rate from 55 to 75%,
in two insemination rounds. In summary, the resynchronization
ovulation and systematic
insemination programs allow the elimination of the
zeal detection in dairy cattle and beef cows, and also
helps to maintain a level of viable fertility.
Prostaglandinas, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Hormona liberadora de gonadotropina (GNRH), Sincronización de celos, Prostaglandinas ovsynch, Inseminación artificial, Ganado lechero, Ganado lechero - Reproducción