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implementación de un plan integral de residuos sólidos generados en el proceso de producción en una industria alimenticia de salsas y conservas de piña

dc.contributor.authorGutiérrez Flórez, Sebastián
dc.contributor.authorGil Calero, Juan Felipe
dc.contributor.authorÁlvarez Hincapié, Carlos Federico
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. Sauce and conserve industries are a part of the food sector. They elaborate, transform, prepare, conserve and pack human consumption food, in this case pineapple sauces, pulps and marmalades, from agricultural raw materials 1-2. The solid organic waste from this industrial sector’s productive activity must be treated in a proper way, in order to reduce its negative environmental impact. Objective. The implementation of an integral solid waste management plan in an agricultural industry of sauce and conserve production. Materials and methods. An internal plan for the integral management of solid waste was proposed, including campaigns of waste reduction in the sources, with flyers with information of consciousness and training. Besides, colorful bins were installed in order to incentivize the classification of materials. The possibilities of commercialization of the recyclable materials obtained were evaluated and, finally, a better model for the disposal of pineapple peel was proposed. This is an organic remain generated in the cut process and it was usually sent to the landfills. Results. The plan was implemented in the company, creating a new environmental consciousness. A better use of the organic waste was achieved by sending them to a worm culture. Besides, along with the efficient separation of materials, a monthly earning of COL $ 176.920 was obtained. Conclusion. A reduction of negative environmental impacts was achieved. Besides, the plan brought new economic benefits for the company and the first steps were taken for executing cleaner production policies and management systems which can be useful for more certifications in the future.en_US
dc.description.resumenIntroducción. La industria de salsas y conservas comprende la rama de industrias que hacen parte del sector productivo agroalimentario. Este se encarga de la elaboración, transformación, preparación, conservación y envasado de alimentos de consumo humano (en este caso salsas, pulpas y mermeladas de piña), a partir de materias primas agrícolas 1-2. Los residuos sólidos orgánicos y reciclables provenientes de la actividad productiva de este sector industrial deben ser tratados adecuadamente, para mitigar y reducir los impactos negativos sobre el medio ambiente.Objetivo. Implementar el plan de manejo integral de residuos sólidos en una agroindustria de producción de salsas y conservas. Materiales y métodos. Internamente se propuso un Plan de Manejo Integral de Residuos Sólidos (PMIRS), el cual implementaba campañas de reducción en la fuente con la ayuda de volantes de concientización y capacitación. Además se dispusieron canecas de colores, que incentivaban la separación de materiales. También se evaluó la comercialización de los materiales reciclables que se obtuvieron de la separación. Finalmente, se propuso un mejor uso de disposición para la cáscara de piña, residuo orgánico generado en el proceso de corte de la piña y cuya disposición final era el relleno sanitario. Resultados. Se implementó el PMIRS en la empresa, generando conciencia ambiental. Se destinó un mejor uso de los residuos orgánicos generados, incorporándolos en un lombricultivo. Además, junto con la eficiente separación de materiales reciclables, se generaron ganancias económicas mensuales de $ 176.920 pesos. Conclusión. Se presentó disminución en los impactos negativos sobre el ambiente. Por otro lado, el plan también generó incentivos económicos en la empresa y se establecieron los primeros pasos para la ejecución de políticas de producción más limpia y sistemas de gestión, con miras a futuras certificaciones ambientales en la empresa.
dc.description.resumoIntroduction. Sauce and conserve industries are a part of the food sector. They elaborate, transform, prepare, conserve and pack human consumption food, in this case pineapple sauces, pulps and marmalades, from agricultural raw materials 1-2. The solid organic waste from this industrial sector’s productive activity must be treated in a proper way, in order to reduce its negative environmental impact. Objective. The implementation of an integral solid waste management plan in an agricultural industry of sauce and conserve production. Materials and methods. An internal plan for the integral management of solid waste was proposed, including campaigns of waste reduction in the sources, with flyers with information of consciousness and training. Besides, colorful bins were installed in order to incentivize the classification of materials. The possibilities of commercialization of the recyclable materials obtained were evaluated and, finally, a better model for the disposal of pineapple peel was proposed. This is an organic remain generated in the cut process and it was usually sent to the landfills. Results. The plan was implemented in the company, creating a new environmental consciousness. A better use of the organic waste was achieved by sending them to a worm culture. Besides, along with the efficient separation of materials, a monthly earning of COL $ 176.920 was obtained. Conclusion. A reduction of negative environmental impacts was achieved. Besides, the plan brought new economic benefits for the company and the first steps were taken for executing cleaner production policies and management systems which can be useful for more certifications in the future.
dc.publisherÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá
dc.publisherCorporación Universitaria Lasallista
dc.relation.ispartofseriesProducción + Limpia;Julio-Diciembre de 2009. Vol.4, No.2
dc.subjectResiduos sólidosen_US
dc.subjectCorporación Universitaria Lasallista
dc.subjectÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá
dc.subjectIndustria alimenticia
dc.subjectProducción más limpia
dc.subjectResiduos industriales
dc.subjectCascara de piña
dc.subjectPlan de manejo integral de residuos sólidos (PMIRS)
dc.subjectResiduos sólidos orgánicos
dc.subjectResiduos vegetales
dc.titleimplementación de un plan integral de residuos sólidos generados en el proceso de producción en una industria alimenticia de salsas y conservas de piñaen_US
dc.title.alternativeIntegral Management of Solid Waste Generated In the Production Process in a Food Industry of Preserves and Pineapple Saucesen_US
dc.title.alternativeimplementação de um plano integral de resíduos sólidos gerados no processo de produção numa indústria alimentícia de molhos e conservas de abacaxien_US


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