Acceso y uso de la web 2.0 en los ambientes educativos étnicos de Riohacha-La Guajira
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
Introduction. Technological tools applied to
educative environments constitute one of the most
notorious advancements in the last years, in all
formation levels. Its importance has strengthened
and its validity is larger every day. Therefore, to
inquire about its impact is a topic of interest for all
agents of academic environments. Objectives. The purpose of this article is to evaluate if teachers
have access to WEB 2.0 and how have they been
using this essential tool in ethno-educative centers
of Riohacha city. Materials and Methods. The type
of research performed was the descriptive kind, with
a non-experimental/transactional approach. From
a population of 64 teachers in the ethno-education
centers, a sample of 45 teachers was taken; they
should participate in the application of the instrument
under the Likert scale, which object was to identify
its interaction level with applications and other web
2.0 features. The results were analyzed in Excel
software, which generated supporting information to
reflection. Results. The findings allow assuring that
a large amount of the teachers has access and put in
practice the tools in their daily duties. Conclusions.
After analyzing the different stages of the research,
it can be concluded that the teacher, at present, has
access and put into use the Web 2.0 tools; likewise,
they maintain a special orientation to be trained and
carry on the academic management supported in
several applications.
Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Etnoeducación, Innovación educativa, Globalización, Web 2.0, Competitividad
Revista Lasallista de Investigación Vol. 14 N. 1