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Percepción de los agentes compradores y personas muestreadoras sobre el sistema de liquidación para pago de leche cruda en Antioquia

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista


Introduction. Payment per quality system generates changes that will positively impact current milk production and commercialization procedures. Objective. Analyze the perception of purchasing agents (PA) and sample testing staff (ST) on the raw milk payment calculation for suppliers in Antioquia. Materials and methods. 14 interviews were conducted with PA staff and 84 surveys were applied to ST. To analyze their perception, we used mixed data factor analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis of main components. Results. It was identified that with the exception of large highly technical companies, PA had little knowledge of Resolutions 17 of 2012 and 77 of 2015 from the Colombian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Most PA have a positive perception on the application of these resolutions; according to them, it would incentivize improvements in milk quality and a fair payment to suppliers, and would create more transparency and trust in the commercial relationship with the supplier. In general, ST did not know the resolutions and expressed that they have a good relationship with PA and suppliers. Conclusion. For PA and ST, the payment per quality system generates benefits in their commercial relationship with the supplier and the dairy sector in general, although it can cause uncertainties due to changes in production and commercialization procedures.



Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Leche cruda, Leche - Producción, Leche - Comercialización, Sector lácteo, Sistemas de pago


Revista Lasallista de Investigación Vol. 14 N. 2