Ecoteología: aportes de la teología y de la religión en torno al problema ecológico que vive el mundo actual
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Editorial Lasallista.
Introduction: Ecology and theology enter into
dialogue in order to seek solutions to
environmental issues and to the care of this
common home that is Mother Earth. Faith and
theology contribute to ecology in respect of as its
praxis, enlighten, and commit man for the care and
good use of natural and human resources
cultivating a fraternal relationship with them.
Objective: To determine what is the role of
theology and religion regarding the ecological
problem that the world is going through now. Materials and method: Study will be guided by
the hermeneutical method, following the guidelines
of a documentary research. Result: Ecotheology
articulates faith and theology in different religions,
to ask the current man and propose a regulation
that leads to the care of the planet and a
sustainable, authentically human, protective of
Mother Earth through the proper use of natural
resources. Discussion: faced the current
ecological problems generated by environmental
pollution, the arms race, the overpopulation,
relevant to these, the current anthropocentric
attitude, the great religions and the Theology of
Liberation claim for justice for the other, and for all
the creation. Conclusions: The environment
protection is the task of all, Christians and the
faithful of all religions, enlightened by their beliefs
and their faith, must take care of the planet and
cultivate a fraternal relationship with all creatures,
as established by the creator at the beginning.
Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, Religión, Teología, Ecología, Fraternidad, Protección del medio ambiente
Revista Producción + Limpia Vol. 13 N. 1