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Retos analíticos y perspectivas instrumentales del monitoreo de pesticidas

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista


Abstract: The complexity of environmental and food matrixes, plus the low levels of xenobiotic agents, their thermodynamics, their persistence and their metabolism are interesting, given the analytic results obtained by conventional methodologies. The objective will never be to eliminate them, but to have similar methodologies in order to guarantee that the data reported show the actual dynamic of each analyte in the interest matrix. Qualitative and quantitative analysis have permitted the development of robust and repeatable instrumental techniques. Nevertheless, instrumental provision is not enough. Strengthening the sampling techniques for treating the samples and interpreting results is a fundamental point for validating the monitoring and organic micro pollutants screening methods. The concept of residuality is clear for academic and scientific communities, and even for the one who generates such pollutants. But determining and counting those pollutants will always be a great academic challenge, an indispensable legal support and a social responsibility for the productive sector with public health and the planet’s sustainability. The biggest responsibility for universities, technological development centers and the private sector is to have rapid and accurate analytical technologies to not only monitor pollutants, but compounds of interest. The development in sample treatment systems, along with the development of chromatography and its complementation with mass spectrometry, are a fundamental basis for choice making about determining compounds or transformation products in differrent matrix levels, including parts per trillion (ppt). Analytical monitoring is becoming more and more important, is more regulated and demands a complementation with on site follow up techniques in real time, such as bio sensors, which are a very precise and exact tool for the monitoring systems. Given all of the facts exposed above, this review aims to show some advances in sampling and instrumental complementary elements to optimize the identification and quantification processes for pollutants in environmental and food matrixes



Cromatografía, Espectrometría de masas, Contaminación, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Biosensores
