Del diseño de la técnica al diseño de las prácticas en la ciudad
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
Although knowledge approaches urban studies from
the specialization of certain disciplines (architecture,
urban sociology, urban geography and urban politics, among others), the modernization processes
(Escobar, 2002) and their forms of economic, technologic and cultural development have brought the
emergence of polyvalent, heterogeneous and casual
cities that demand analytical and critical approaches
but also, -and most importantly- creative approaches
to cover the complexity and the heterogeneity of the
urban practices, the production of the territory as a
network of events and places with a meaning for the
inhabitants and the city´s shift from a physical and
infrastructural space to a circumstantial and situational space. This means urban approaches in which
thinking on actions to produce actionspolitical
thinking- and not only thinking on things to produce
other things –technical thinking- can have a meaning. This is, then, technique at the politics’ service.
Industrial design, as one of the knowledge areas
that apparently aim to progress and development, is
nowadays a practice that revolutionizes its own technical paradigms –thinking on things to produce other
things-, and is about to think on technique as a mean
to serve ethics, aesthetic and urban politics. To do
so, industrial design seems to serve a certain particular conformation of the territory, according to the
polyvalent, heterogeneous and casual experiences
and expectations of the citizens. The industrial design in the city favors what some theoretical authors
call a “certain modernity forever and everywhere” (Escobar, 2002, 32), as its presence in the city goes
permanent, not anymore as an invariable and immutable element, but as a language and as a dynamic
Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Diseño industrial, Estética, Ciudad, Globalización