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Medios de comunicación utilizados en los centros educativos para difundir los procesos de innovación docente

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista


Introduction. Mass media and digital communication are relevant in educative innovation projects intended to improve, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the teaching and learning processes. Objective. This research work aims to analyze the techniques and the media used in education centers to divulge teaching innovation processes. Materials and methods. The method has been based on the empirical analysis of a representative sample of public education centers in Murcia, Spain, by the use of a questionnaire addressed to directors and teachers. Results. The most used means in downstream communication are e-mails and the classrooms. Written communications, such as internal memorandums and board notes are also still being used. In horizontal communication, this communication flow is verbally produced by means of informal meetings, face to face conversations and as a product of formal meetings of the teachers, which are established by the center´s directors. These meetings include pedagogical coordination meetings, department meetings and commissions. Diagonal communication, which means crossed communications between the different figures and hierarchical levels of the center (teachers, tutors, department chefs, etc), takes place via meetings, e-mails and the classrooms. Conclusions. There is a lack of upstream communication and problems in the organization for the implantation, participation and divulgation of teaching innovation processes. Directors must be informed of the difficulties for the projects to generate tight relationships between participants.



Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Innovación educativa, Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), Educación - Tecnología, Educación básica secundaria, Medios de comunicación
