Implicações dos níveis de desenvolvimento moral de kohlberg na educação superior
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
Introduction. This article presents the results of a research work about the implications of Kohlberg´s moral development level in higher education. Objective.
To identify the state of moral development among higher education teachers, departing from the orientation
they give to their lives and to those of their students,
and from what they think and say they do for their
students´ moral education.With the results, an analysis is done in order to establish the implications for
the education of teachers. Materials and methods.
A discussion about the moral dilemmas proposed by
Kohlbergis made.The teachers answer a series of
questions about each dilemma, justifying his/her point
of view and finishing with an interview to clarify the
contents of the answers. Results.11 (64,70%) teachers in the conventional level. 5 (29,40%) at stage
3 – expectations, interpersonal relationships and accomplishment and 6 (35,30%) at stage 4 – preservation of the social system and the consciousness; and 6
(35,30%) at a post-conventional level, all at the stage
5 – the social contract or the usefulness of individual
rights.Discussion. The results confirm Kohlberg´s research works, in which it is said that most of people
locate themselves in a conventional level of moral
development. This leads to a reflection concerning
the fact that higher education teachers are at that
moral development level and how, then, can teachers
be formed to educate children and young people for
achieving higher stages. Conclusion. Therecan not
be a consciousness about social and educative transformation if the members of a society (or a significant
number of its leaders), and especially its teachers, do
not reach a post-conventional level under moral development terms.
Moral, Lawrence Kohlberg - Desarrollo moral, Lawrence Kohlberg - Dilemas morales, Educación superior - Desarrollo moral, Educación superior