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Parentela y territorialidad: la familia negra en la apropiación y construcción del espacio

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista


Abstract: Introduction. Black families´ constitution in Colombia had a very important role in the traditional settlement model by family trees and in the ways of resistance as people. Objective. To analyze the logic of ownership of spaces used by African-Colombian communities in the Pacific region during their ethnic identity construction process or the construction of social space. Methodology. An ethnographic research work was developed in fourteen communities from the Colombian Pacific region, from 1990to 2002, with a thematic choice produced by an observation and participation process made in the community in a seven years period (1990-1997) which allowed the collection of the information consolidated between 1998 and 2002 in a field work done in the Chocó, Valle, Cauca and Nariño provinces. Results. The black family form is another way to resist and is also an organizational key, given the strength it gives to the social dynamics of the whole black community. Family is a unit that includes territory and culture. In the families and the communities there is a clear definition of roles which have accomplished a harmonic function in the constitution of social space, but, as these roles have change due to acculturation more than to enculturation processes, the incidence in the group dynamics can be seen. Those effects affect gender relationships, production practices, and reproduction thus affecting, also, family and organizational structures.



Afrocolombianos, Pacifico colombiano, Negritudes - familia, Familia, Familia - Aspectos sociales, Territorio tradicional, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
