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Macroinvertebrados bioindicadores de calidad de agua en sistemas hídricos artificiales del Departamento de Boyacá, Colombia


Introduction: The study of water quality is commonly carried out by means of the characterization of physicochemical and bacteriological parameters. However, the presence of new pollutants which are discharged at times when an exact record of their incidence may not be achieved, has led to the exploration of different methodologies in order to determine quality in a body of water, namely, the bioindication through aquatic organisms. Objective: Report water quality conditions in La Playa (Tuta) and La Copa (Toca) dams located in the department of Boyacá, by using aquatic macroinvertebrates and physicochemical aspects. Materials and methods: The samples were collected using Surber sampler at nine strategic points of the dams during the months of June–August 2018. Results: 979 insects were collected, they belonged to four orders, 15 families and 19 genera. The order with the greatest abundance was Diptera (57,30 %), followed by Hemiptera (25,02 %), Coleoptera (13,38 %) and Odonata (4,29 %). Conclusion: Water quality in the studied areas, according to biological indices, indicates a slightly contaminated or poor water quality. Research of this nature offers a complete analysis of the state of a body of water, allowing governmental and environmental entities to take the necessary actions for its management and restoration.



Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, Agua, Calidad del agua, Análisis de agua, Tratamiento de aguas residuales
