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Relación entre la concentración de partículas totales y respirables

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá


Introduction. The information provided by the Air Quality Monitoring Network of the Aburrá Valley is fundamental to focus the efforts made to diminish the atmosphere’s contamination levels, by using cleaner production means. Not only is this a priority for the mentioned region, but for the whole world. Objective. To evaluate the relationship between two air quality indexes: Concentration of total and breathable particles. Materials and methods. Equipments for both kinds of particles were located in two stations in Medellín, at the Guayabal ) neighborhood (San Fernando water treatment plant and the downtown (Miguel de Aguinaga) and their correlation indexes were determined. Results. Both stations got R2 indexes above 0.78 for the interaction between the analyzed contaminants. Conclusion. For the Aburrá Valley’s case it is very important to adequate and develop a correlation model, due to the fact that, currently, the Air Quality Monitoring Network for this region makes measurements of total particles in all of its monitoring stations and only three of them can measure breathable particles. Therefore, this mathematical approach benefits the establishment f the breathable particles index from the data obtained when measuring total particles.



Red de monitoreo de la calidad del aire del Valle de Aburrá, Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Contaminación del aire - Medellín, Contaminación del aire, Partículas totales y respirables
