Análisis de la legislación sanitaria y ambiental para del sector avícola y sugerencias para su aplicación
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
Los problemas sanitarios vividos en el país en los años 50
estimularon el desarrollo industrial del sector avícola, al
mostrar la necesidad de tecnificar el manejo de las aves
para brindarles mejores condiciones de alojamiento, ali-mentación y prevención de enfermedades, hecho que
apalancó a la industria avícola como uno de los sectores
más importantes y dinámicos de la economía nacional
actual. Aunque en el ámbito interno la industria avícola
ha tenido un desempeño destacable frente al resto del
aparato industrial y agrícola, la competencia foránea se
viene dando cada vez con mayor intensidad.
La inserción de Colombia en el mercado internacional
de productos avícolas presenta restricciones y amena-zas, representadas principalmente en las diferencias
existentes en los costos de producción, en los estánda -res productivos y en el estatus sanitario, aspectos en los
cuales el país muestra desventajas.
A fin de contribuir a mejorar la competitividad del sec-tor avícola colombiano, el presente trabajo analiza la
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normativa sanitaria y ambiental vigente, propone cambios para actua -lizarla o complementarla y finalmente presenta un resumen en forma
de listas de chequeo, separadas por temas y tipo de explotación, que
permite su fácil comprensión y aplicación. De esta manera, pretende
que los productores avícolas implementen los estrictos controles exi -gidos en cuanto a bioseguridad, vacunación, construcción de granjas
y manipulación de alimentos a los que se refieren las normas sanitarias
y aprovechen los recursos naturales sin causar un problema ambiental,
y beneficien tanto a la población animal como a la humana, según se
especifica en la normativa ambiental vigente. Esto sólo es posible si
los avicultores se comprometen e interiorizan la norma no como una
exigencia, sino como la posibilidad de mejorar la competitividad en el
mercado nacional y en el internacional.
Abstract: The sanitary problems experienced by Colombia in the 50´s stimulated the industrial development of poultry, given the necessity of introducing technology to the bird´s handling in order to improve their lodging, feeding and health conditions. This fact leveraged the sector, and it became one of the most important and dynamic in the national economy. Even though poultry has been nationally remarkable under performance terms if compared to the rest of the industrial and livestock sectors, foreign competition has been gaining more intensity every day. Colombia´s inclusion in the international poultry market has some restrictions and threats, mainly represented by the differences of production costs, production standards and the sanitary status, aspects in which Colombia has disadvantages. Aiming to contribute the competitiveness of the Colombian poultry sector, this work analyzes the sanitary and the current environmental laws, proposes changes to update or complete them and, finally, introduces some check lists as a brief. They are divided into topics and exploitation types, thus making them easier to understand and to apply. By doing this, the idea is that poultry producers can implement the strict controls demanded under biosecurity, vaccination, farming and food handling terms, included in the sanitary rules, and make a good use of natural resources avoiding environmental problems and be useful for both anImal and human populations, according to current laws. This can only be achieved if poultry producers get committed and take law not as an imposition, but as the possibility of improving competitiveness in national and international markets.
Abstract: The sanitary problems experienced by Colombia in the 50´s stimulated the industrial development of poultry, given the necessity of introducing technology to the bird´s handling in order to improve their lodging, feeding and health conditions. This fact leveraged the sector, and it became one of the most important and dynamic in the national economy. Even though poultry has been nationally remarkable under performance terms if compared to the rest of the industrial and livestock sectors, foreign competition has been gaining more intensity every day. Colombia´s inclusion in the international poultry market has some restrictions and threats, mainly represented by the differences of production costs, production standards and the sanitary status, aspects in which Colombia has disadvantages. Aiming to contribute the competitiveness of the Colombian poultry sector, this work analyzes the sanitary and the current environmental laws, proposes changes to update or complete them and, finally, introduces some check lists as a brief. They are divided into topics and exploitation types, thus making them easier to understand and to apply. By doing this, the idea is that poultry producers can implement the strict controls demanded under biosecurity, vaccination, farming and food handling terms, included in the sanitary rules, and make a good use of natural resources avoiding environmental problems and be useful for both anImal and human populations, according to current laws. This can only be achieved if poultry producers get committed and take law not as an imposition, but as the possibility of improving competitiveness in national and international markets.
Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Medio ambiente, Gestión ambiental, Industria avícola, Producción avícola, Aves de corral