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Evaluando si e-servicios ofrecidos por ayuntamientos de República Dominicana mejoran participación ciudadana y transparencia

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Editorial Lasallista


The portals of local government institutions have become an important source of information where the authorities communicate with citizens, providing them with some e-services, within what is called electronic government. Objective: the main objective of this study is to analyze if the e-services provided by the Dominican municipalities of more than 100 thousand inhabitants have positively impacted the interaction of local governments with their citizens, increasing citizen participation and promoting transparency in public management. Materials and methods: to carry out the study, information was collected between January and June 2018 following the e-services model of municipal e-government proposed by Esteves (2005), which illustrates the phases or levels of development by which any e-government initiative of local government should contemplate. Results: the findings show that the two best Dominican city councils obtain an e-Value of 3.75 points, of 11.25 possible points, so it can be concluded that the analyzed e-services are still partially offered, with many opportunities for improvement. It has been found that some municipalities have incomplete information or with pending configuration on their web portals. Conclusion: the study shows that the e-services offered have not increased citizen participation, nor transparency, because not all relevant information is made available to citizens, the same e-services are not offered in all municipalities, and citizens do not really know what their municipalities offers them



Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Servicios de información, Redes sociales (Internet)


Revista Lasallista de Investigación–Vol. 17 No 2–2020