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Larvicultura de peces comerciales en sistemas de recirculación

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista


Abstract: Success in fish farming, and in general for aquaculture production, depends essentially on the farmer’s comprehension of the production systems used and the development stages of each species. It can be said that the larviculture stage is the most important one in a fry production system and, evidently, every advance that can be made in order to understand it is developed simultaneously with technologies that become more and more sophisticated, and must be well understood before starting the farming activities. The evolutionof productive systems in aquaculture tends to make production more intensive and be, at the same time, environmentally friendly. Recirculation systems in aquaculture provide a constant culture medium that can be monitored, with few variations. The systems are established to control the different parameters of water quality, such as temperature, oxygen, nitrogen and pathogens. They contribute to a more intensive, reliable, clean and more profitable production. This revision aims to look at the most important characteristics that affect larviculture in fish and to see how recirculation systems offer an excellent alternative in fry production.



Densidad de siembra, Larvicultura, Sistemas con recirculación, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Producción de alevinos, Acuicultura
