Anotaciones críticas sobre algunos sofismas en medicina materno-fetal
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
There are currents that influence the contemporary
bioethical thinking and try to justify the practice of
feticide, selective abortions “fetal reductions” and
“pregnancy terminations” due to several reasons.
They, usually, use arguments related to the “mother´s
autonomy” and to the, supposedly, late acquisition of
the character of “patient” the fetus achieves. To criticize
this tendency an article that summarizes influential
ideas on the contemporary obstetric practices is
taken as an example, and some of the sophistries
argued by their authors, generating wrong reasoning
and conclusions, are remarked. They finally deny
those sophistries and contradict the Hippocratic
ethos of respect for the lives of all human beings.
This article aims to provide, in a non-extensive way,
elements for the reflection and the critic against those
positions and mistakes, remarking the importance
of a real and Hippocratic sense in the attitudes and
the skills of doctors, whose natural commitment is
oriented, as much as possible and recognizing their
natural limitations, towards the protection of the fetal
patient´s life, a human being since his/her ontological
beginning and, therefore, a deserver of respect
and protection.
Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor de Antioquia, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Bioética, Medicina prenatal, Ética médica