La evaluación de habilidades de pensamiento superior. Una mirada a la evaluación en el aula de clase, en el campo de las ciencias naturales
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
This paper, some ideas about the nature of evaIn
this paper, I advance some claims about the nature of evaluation in natural sciences and the importance of understanding the role of error in the long
and difficult road that leads us to postulate scientific
theories that are bolder and better. I take this metaphor to the field of teaching in general and to that of
epistemolo gy, in particular, and I try to dispel some
misunderstandings on the nature of truth and its
role as a regulatory ideal for science, from Popper’s
perspective. Lastly, I give some recommendations to
apply the results of this analysis to the evaluation
of abilities of higher order thinking in the practice of
teaching in college.
Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Evaluación académica, Evaluación, Educación, Ciencias - Enseñanza