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Evaluación de los parámetros de calidad de chips en relación con diferentes variedades de plátano (Musa paradisiaca L.)

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista


Introduction. Plantain crops occupy one of the widest planted areas in Colombia and can be found all over the country, but research contributions are not usually addressed to the knowledge of the raw product as a basic or secondary raw material to obtain a processed product. Objectives. Seven varieties of in fresh plantain were physically evaluated and so was their relationship with quality parameters for finished products. Materials and methods. A physical- chemical characterization of the raw product of every variety was made, using a Dominican-hartón plantain as a witness. Then, the behavior of the chips from every variety was evaluated in the frying process and concerning its relationship with the quality parameters used in fried plantain, determining the quantity of oil absorbed, humidity content, texture and color. Results. The varieties with the best physical characteristics concerning their size and equatorial diameter are the hartón and the pelipita plantains. Conclusion. The varieties with low water content and high content of dry matter can be used in Colombia for industrial frying. Besides, in the industrial processes, the most interesting varieties are those with the highest diameter and length.



Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Pasabocas, Plátano (Musa paradisiaca l.), Alimentos - Calidad, Pasabocas de plátano
