Comunicar la responsabilidad social, una opción de éxito empresarial poco explorada
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
This paper proposes a join work between organizational communication and social responsibility no as
a panacea or a definite response to all the difficulties,
but as an option of organizational success primarily
focused on the reinforcement of internal processes
and projecting that success externally. In order to
give this idea an appropriate context, a journey going
through the variety of situations that have had to be
surpassed by organizations, given the fact that the
external projection understood as competitiveness
has made companies make changes in their productivity and, therefore, in their internal processes. Those changes and demands of the market have been
taking place during the last decades and still require
efforts and bring difficulties. The proposal suggests
that it is not enough to make social responsibility.
It has to be communicated and that communication
must not be only external, as it has been so far, but
internal, involving those stakeholders who are inside
the organization, as a priority. This brings a priceless
number of benefits that go beyond productivity such
as sense of belonging, commitment, motivation, satisfaction and teamwork, among others
Responsabilidad social, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Responsabilidad social empresarial (RSE), Comunicación organizacional, Desarrollo humano, Imagen corporativa, Cultura empresarial, Administración de empresas