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Desarrollo de un producto de panadería con alto valor nutricional a partir de la harina obtenida del banano verde con cáscara: una nueva opción para el aprovechamiento de residuos de la industria de exportación


Introduction. Human beings do not get to consume not even a third of the fruits produced in the world, and one of the main reasons for this are the losses after harvesting. One of the crops that produces a high number of waste material given the high demands under quality terms is banana (Cavendish) and that waste has been used to produce flour from green banana with its peel as an input to produce composed flours with a high nutritional value, and with a potential use in bakery. Objective. To develop a bakery product made with several green banana with its peel mixtures, as an option for the use of waste from banana industries and as a nutritional alternative for people with different malnutrition degrees. Materials and methods. A sliced bread was developed under the application of a conventional formula departing from different mixtures of wheat flour and green banana with its peel flour (10 to 16%). The best mixture was chosen by the use of an experimental model based on extreme vertices mixtures, which responds to the variations of the aqueous activity according to the temperature and the proper substitution of the wheat flour with green banana with its peel flour, as to the coefficients of the response surface estimated for the depending variables. Results. The substitution percentages of the wheat flour with the flour made from green banana with its peel, in order to obtain the minimum aqueous activity values according to the temperature (14.5% and 16% of green banana with its peel flour, respectively) were determined. Conclusion. The values obtained are a benchmark for the standardization and the optimization of the development of a bakery product, departing from the use of a food with functional properties obtained from the organic waste of one of the most important crops worldwide, and especially in Colombia: The banana.



Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, Banano (Cavendish), Poscosecha, Residuos agrícolas, Residuos agrícolas - Aprovechamiento, Pan, Harina de banano verde, Nutrición humana, Nutrición
