Procesos de Transformación: Perspectiva de Aprovechamiento para los Residuos de la Agroindustria del Plátano
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Unilasallista Corporación Universitaria, Editorial Lasallista.
agricultural waste is increasing worldwide. It is necessary to identify new strategies for its valorization.Objective: analyze the main processes of transformation of biomass to be implemented in the use of the waste of the plantain agroindustry. Methodology:the information was consulted in different databases such as Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar. Different keywords in English and Spanish were used: waste; process; transformation; banana and plantain. The information was analyzed in MS Excel. Results: the physical and biological conversion processes can be an alternative for the waste valorization of plantain agroindustry in different value–added products such as animal feed and biofuels due to the quantity and composition of this type of waste. The high moisture content of this waste is an inconvenience to its valorization. It is necessary to extract an amount of water from the matrix to increase the efficiency in the transformation. Conclusions: the design and techno–economic, environmental and social assessment of physical and biological conversion processes in the context on biorefineries can support investment and research decisions in this type of technologies to be implemented at a large scale
Unilasallista Corporación Universitaria, Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, Biomasa, Termoquímica, Aprovechamiento de residuos, Agroindustria
Producción + Limpia –Vol. 16 No 1 – enero/junio.