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Análisis de calidad de agua de la quebrada La Ayurá con base en variables fisicoquímicas y macroinvertebrados acuáticos

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Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá
Corporación Universitaria Lasallista


Introduction. The analysis of physical and chemical variables and the use of macro invertebrates as witnesses of the quality of water are complementary methods in the evaluation processes for environmental conditions. The reason for the use of these micro organisms as indicators is based mainly on their life cycles, which are longer than those of other aquatic inferior organisms. Besides, macro invertebrates present lower mobility levels. The idea is, by the use of the physical and chemical variables, the aquatic macro invertebrates and quality indexes, to prevent the contamination of water, with cleaner production strategies that reduce environmental negative impacts. Objective. To determine the quality of water from the Ayurá creek, by the analysis of physical and chemical variables and the community of aquatic macro invertebrates. Materials ad methods. In November 2007 and January and February 2008, samples were taken from three stations located in the high, medium and low parts of the creek. In each station the physical/chemical variables were measured, and samples of macro invertebrates were taken with the Surber net. Results. A total number of 1655 organisms, distributed in 59 taxa, were counted. From them, the most abundant were Leptonema, Haplotaxida and Baetodes. The space behavior of electric conductivity, turbidity, total alkalinity and solids dissolved keeps a close relation with the ecophysiological characteristics of aquatic macro invertebrates. Conclusion. In station 1there was a good quality of the water and in stations 2 and 3 that quality was considered between good and medium. The highest deterioration took place in station 3, as a consequence of the pouring of external waste water into the creek and the presence of solid wastes near the sampling stations.



Calidad del agua, Macroinvertebrados acuáticos, Variables fisicoquímicas, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, Índices de diversidad
