(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2016) Torres Martínez, María Fernanda; Gómez, Paula Marcela; Castaño Ciro, Nelson
This monograph wanted to describe the rubber waste good uses from the manufacturing process of rubber injection in Industrias CADI S.A., it explains the production causes and collects the necessary data to the project execution.
It makes an analysis of the environmental problems that brings bad waste disposal and as a result, it presents a justification with a description of the importance of the project development.
Subsequent to that, many test and proofs of different amount of materials where rubber wastes are found (synthetic and natural rubber), other types of dangerous waste (Contaminated bags) and not dangerous (muds) that make at the end a product that meets excellent results.
Finally the finished product is tested at the laboratory to estimate the real use and its prospective usages. The conclusions and recommendations are structured and based on the obtained test results.