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Gestión de Horas / Hombre (HH) del Proceso de Mantenimiento, dedicada a la ejecución de proyectos en INTERCOLOMBIA S.A. E.S.P.

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista


Work practice was developed in INTERCOLOMBIA S.A E.S.P., which is based on the development of an Excel tool to identify, quantify and project in time the appeal of the maintenance process, assigned to the implementation of projects in INTERCOLOMBIA S.A. E.S.P., The methodology used is a review, collection and analysis of information related to projects under execution INTERCOLOMBIA both intranet and enterprise servers as with project managers and maintenance management groups with greater participation in stages of projects. The expected results is the development of the tool to perform the control and monitoring of the dedication of maintenance personnel in the execution of projects over time, allowing interaction of this tool with other already developed in the Address Maintenance INTERCOLOMBIA



Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Ingeniería Industrial, Tiempos y movimientos, Administración de proyectos, Medición del trabajo
