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Análisis comparativo para la construcción de un estatuto de bioética en la experimentación con animales a partir de las normas actuales

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista


To build a statute for experiments with animals, it is necessary to analyze the articles on the subject and propose modifications. Along with this, it is necessary to include some elements that are still not in the proposal and that are necessary to build an integral statute, where the necessary technical aspects and some bioethical elements that scientists experimenting with animals must keep in mind. The current regulations are not enough, this is why the three regulations are briefly synthesized and changes, adjustments and elements to include are proposed. The regulations under discussion are: Estatuto Nacional de Protección de los Animales (National Statute for the Protection of Animals, Law 84, 1989); Norma Científico-Técnica para la Investigación en Salud (Scientific-technical Regulation for Research on Health, Resolution 8430, 1993) and Código de Ética para el Ejercicio Profesional de la Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia (Ethical Code for the Professional Practice of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnical Sciences, Law 576, 2000).



Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Agropecuarias, Bioética en la investigación, Bioética, Investigación en animales, Investigación, Experimentos con animales, Experimentación científica, Experimentación
