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Fotodegradación del pesticida Mertect empleando fotofenton con lámpara de luz ultravioleta

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista


Introduction. Prevention and control of environmental pollution is one of the main responsibilities and preoccupations of modern men. In recent years, a significant number of research works have been being done in order to prevent and control of such pollution. Among these, photodegradation of pollutants is a part of the advanced oxidation technologies, which aims to reduct and/or elliminate toxic and persistent compounds such as pesticides, which are now part of the environment. Objective. To evaluate the photo degradation of the Mertect pesticide, by the use of photofenton with an ultra violet light lamp. Materials and methods. An experimental factorial 2x3 design was used, and an ultra violet light lamp was used for it. Also, a glass vat was used to keep the pesticide solution to be degraded and a bomb that allowed the solution´s re- circulation through the treatment system. The pesticide’s degradation was determined by the use of visible/ultra violet espectrophotometry. Results. The highest percentage of degradation was achieved with the use of hydrogen peroxide as an oxidation agent (98,7%), followed by the photochemical processes of the photofenton in an experimental combination of 50 mg/L of iron and 1% v/v of hidrogen peroxide (95,6%). Conclusion. Advanced oxidation processes are adequate for wiping and elliminating Mertect pesticide.



Fotodegradación, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Fotofenton, Aguas residuales, Contaminación, Contaminación ambiental, Pesticidas, Mertec 20 sl, Tiabendazol, Tratamiento de aguas residuales, Banano - Industria
