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Relación entre factores dimensionales y de composición en la determinación de la calidad del huevo en tilapia roja (Oreochromis spp)

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista


Introduction. The quality of eggs is an inclusive and necessary module for fish cultivation, and its applicability has been demonstrated in species of production interest. Objective. As an strategy to improve the production standards for red tilapia, this research work aimed to determine the existence of functional relationships between the egg´s structure under dimension and composition terms, and the quality results defined in terms of survival during the first stages. Materials and methods. A follow up process was performed on the spawnings of 50 females and, for each one and her corresponding oviposition, records of 15 morphometric and dimensional variables were taken, respectively, and complemented with 11 variables more, associated to the egg´s composition. The efficiency of the production process was determined departing from survival, which was registered through three efficiency rates (IEINC: incubation; IELARV: larvae culture and IETOTAL, which gathers the first two). The analysis of the data was performed based on significant correlations (α=0.05), determined between the pairs of variables and between these and the indexes. When it was pertinent, descriptive models were determined via simple and multiple linear regressions. Results. No significant relationship was established in the efficiency between the incubation and larviculture stages. Linear equations were obtained, thus explaining IEINC through the volume of the oviposition and the IELARV through the density of the egg, although the determination coefficients were low in the models defined. The significant linear relationships, which with a major adjustment explain the indexes, included the content of saturated fat acids in particular. Conclusions. Despite the fact the models calculated were significant, their practical usefulness is limited because the low prediction capability provided by the reduced determination coefficients defined. The total efficiency of the process depends, mainly, on the results that appear during the incubation, because there was no relationship between the survival during the incubation and larvae culture stages in the production of fingerlings of this species.



Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus), Tilapia roja, Larvicultura, Tilapia roja - Cultivo, Acuicultura
