Utilización de microondas en el tratamiento de jugo de mango
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
Introduction. In recent years, the use of microwave
ovens in the agro-food industry has gained popularity.
This technology is used for heating, cooking, thawing,
drying and, also, it has recently been reported in
studies that it has been used to reduce and inhibit
pathogenic microorganisms with a degrading action
on food. Objective. To determine the effectiveness
of a microwave system to inactivate the microbial
content in the mango juice prepared from fresh fruit,
checking the effect on the potential of hydrogen, the
pH and the concentration of soluble solids, º Brix, set
from the beginning. All of this is done in order to
generate information based on this reality to design
processes that use the microwave for the
conservation of fruit juices. Materials and methods.
The processing system used by microwave includes:
two Samsung 2450 MHz and 1.5 kW microwave
ovens, two refractory glass spirals, a tank with the
fluid to be treated, a bomb, a condenser, two
temperature sensors and an I.T.P data logger. The
concentration of soluble solids was determined with
a Bausch & Lomb amp refractometer with a 0 to 32 °
Brix scale; the pH with a Schott CG 842 pH meter
and the colony forming units in an Indulab colonies
counter. Result. There were significant reductions of
up to 89%, with a soft treatment in the microbial
content. Conclusion. The significant reduction of
the initial microbial population shows that the
electromagnetic energy microwave works favorably in the process of destruction of the Aspergillus sp
Esterilización, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Destrucción térmica, Microondas, Industria alimenticia, Alimentos experimentos, Jugo de mango, Jugos de frutas, Jugos de frutas - Producción, Alimentos - Producción