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Los proyectos ambientales y su incidencia en el enriquecimiento educativo de las instituciones educativas de la jurisdicción de Corantioquia


Introduction. School Environmental Projects (PRAE, for its acronym in Spanish) work against the environmental problems occurring in the surroundings of the educative institutions in which those projects are developed. These projects are a governmental initiative created to assure the insertion of environmental education in the Colombian educative system, guaranteeing its presence in the curricular designs and developments. Objective. Identify the influence of PRAE in the enrichment of education in the educative institutions located in towns within Corantioquia´s jurisdiction. Materials and methods. The research work was supported on a bibliographical revision and a theoretical reflection mediated by surveys, focus groups and in-depth interviews with representatives of the educative institutions, developing a mixed methodology with an exploratory character with the use of quantitative and qualitative methods. Results. Most of the educative institutions are structuring PRAE in order to articulate them to the educative institutional Project (PEI, acronym in Spanish). Conclusion. The representatives surveyed consider that, this way, in many institutions context problems between institutional spaces are being solved transversally and, therefore, PRAES have a great potent


