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Propiedades fisicoquímicas, morfológicas y funcionales del almidón de malanga (Colocasia esculenta)

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Editorial Lasallista


Root and tuber starches are an alter-native to solve hunger and problems due to a depen-dence of imported products. due to their high starch content, malangas can be used to replace conven-tional raw materials in food industry. objective. To evaluate the physical-chemical, morphological and functional properties of white and purple malanga ́s starches. Materials and methods. The moisture percentage was assessed using a HR 73 Halogen Moisture Analyzer. The crude fiber content was evaluated by AOAC 962.09, 1990. Ash by AOAC 942.05, 1990. Total nitrogen by AOAC 923.03, 1990. results. The results are shown as the mean dS ± of three independent experiments. The moisture, fiber, ashes, proteins and amylose of both starches had statistical significance p<0,05. The water absorption indexes (WAI) of white and purple malangas were (1,79 ± 0.1 and 1,88 ± 0.02), respectively. The ISA had a significant difference for white and purple ma-langas, (12,8±0,3 and 23,07±0.21) respectively. The gelatinization temperatures were similar for both starches. The viscosity of the white and purple ma-langas starches were 1170± 2Cp and 975± 3Cp) res-pectively, p<0,05. The granulometry had no statisti-cal significance conclusion. The high moisture and fiber contents of both starches suggest that more ap-propriate techniques can be used to determine the moisture and to extract the starch. The high protein content prevents these starches from being used to manufacture glucose syrups. due to their low gelati-nization temperatures, they can be used to elaborate products such as desserts



Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Almidón, Productos agrícolas, Propiedades físicas de los alimentos


Revista Lasallista de Investigación - Vol. 10 No. 2 - 2013