La educación física renovada desde la investigación educativa
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Editorial Lasallista
Introduction of the results obtained in the research work “State of the art of educative re-search on physical education, recreation and sports in the Antioquia province between 1998 and 2009”. objective. To elaborate the state of knowledge of the written works produced in Antioquia about educative research in the fields of physical education, recrea-tion and sports between 1998 and 2009; identify the different positions and trends in educative research and in physical education. Materials and methods. The research work, which has a qualitative focus, was developed under the hermeneutical paradigm, thus allowing an interpretative-comprehensive analysis. Statistical procedures were used to im-pact variables that can be quantified and analyzed in the descriptive level. The universe studied con-sists of primary sources about educative research on physical education, recreation and sports, using the cataloguing data adopted by SIdER (Spanish acronym for information system on research about sports, physical education and recreation). results. description of the developments and conceptual, di-dactic and technology development perspectives of educative research, plus the description and map-ping of the trends and conditions of the written pro-duction about physical education, sports and recrea-tion generated in Antioquia between 1998 and 2009. conclusions. These results present challenges for the formation of education professionals and the de-velopment of a theoretical and epistemological bac-kground supported, with some consensus, by the educative scenario and by the basic concepts pro-posed to approach physical education, sports and recreation, with a sufficient argumentation against other areas of the plan of studies.
Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Educación, Investigación, Arte, Deportes - Enseñanza, Recreación
Revista Lasallista de Investigación - Vol. 10 No. 2 - 2013