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Medidas de riesgo en modelos de inventario: ¿determinismo o incertidumbre en la producción sustentable?


Inventory models have been the focus of mathematics applied to optimization; the fact of considering stock costs or penalties related to uncertainty makes it necessary to carry out studies regarding the treatment of risk. The present article aims to analyze elements related to some inventory models from their structure, purpose and decision making policy, emphasizing the treatment of non - deterministic cases where there is uncertainty in random demands with density ϕ .This is possible using a quantitative methodology and having as fundamental reference the characterization of the structure of a well-posed problem that responds to an optimal policy and to the adequacy of a coherent risk measure. The basic theoretical assumptions are presented for the understanding of the theme. Likewise, some topics related to inventory theory are identified and conceptualized, based on the theory’s objectives and inventory control structure, mentioning some inventory models. Besides, a theoretical construction is made in the treatment of inventory model optimization from uncertainty, in an analogy with deterministic models, in order to establish relationships between the decisionmaking policy for inventory models and the usual stochastic order. Finally, conclusions are established regarding the importance of the policy approach in the framework of risk measures for uncertainty scenarios by proposing a treatment for productive systems.



Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Facultad de Ingenierías, Inventario, Modelos de inventarios, Gestión de inventarios, Producción, Métodos de optimización


Revista Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol. 6 N. 1