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Journal of Engineering and Technology


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    Mejora de la fiabilidad humana de un proceso de envasado
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2017) Pons Murguía, Ramón Ángel; Villa González del Pino, Eulalia María; Pérez Olivera, Harold; Pombar Vallejos, Pedro Galo
    The probabilistic risk analysis applied to the improvement of socio - technical processes and systems demonstrates the importance of human error quantification; although its accuracy is doubtful. Current techniques for the modeling and calculation of human errors presuppose the choice of partial or general human behavior models, which have limitations because they still lack methodological development. At present, any effort to improve the reliability of a production process or system has a great niche of possible achievements in human action, so that from its inception it must include the identification of undesired events produced by human action and the defining of actions to eliminate their recurrence, or to mitigate their consequences when the associated risk is tolerable. For this reason, an integrated approach is required, including a general diagnosis based on human error quantification techniques, which must be coherent with the design of improvement solutions, their implementation and the monitoring of their results. This article shows how to apply this integrated approach, in order to eliminate or mitigate and control the effects of human error in productive processes, from a broader view than the one used so far.
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    Prototipo de realidad aumentada orientado al ámbito educativo
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2017) Aguirre Molina, Evelyn; Montoya Suárez, Lina María
    Nowadays, thanks to advances and evolution in technology, the creation and development of tools is fundamental for solving and responding to different problems by providing solutions through mobile applications that incorporate the use of emerging technologies, such as augmented reality, combining real physical and digital elements. The objective of this work is to present a practical case by means of a flight simulator prototype built in the Technopark of the city of Medellín. This technical contribution focuses on the description of a flight simulator as support tool in the technological field, with educational orientation in terms of the conceptualization of aspects related to augmented reality. In the simulator, the user and the application act in a synchronized way by means of movement patterns established by programming logic and applying knowledge in electronics for the handling of external hardware through a laptop and a mobile device.
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    Evolución de la cultura de la gestión de riesgos en el entorno empresarial colombiano
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2017) Correa Henao, Gabriel Jaime; Ríos González, Eliana María; Acevedo Moreno, Julio César
    This paper explores business risk management in Colombia and the culture around this concept. Such interest is focused on the dangers and threats that may cause damage to firms, people and properties. Furthermore, the paper is addressed to settle the management relation of the level of uncertainty and the severity of risks in order to highlight the importance and the indispensability of managing risk, through good practices within the organizational culture. To achieve the proposed objective, the concept of threat identification, is reviewed within the frame of risk management methodologies. This study analyzes currently accepted methodologies to carry out the process of risks analysis in corporate schemes, which is a practical application in the results of this review.
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    Medidas de riesgo en modelos de inventario: ¿determinismo o incertidumbre en la producción sustentable?
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2017) García Arango, David Alberto; Aguirre Mesa, Elkin Darío; Gallego Quiceno, Dany Esteban
    Inventory models have been the focus of mathematics applied to optimization; the fact of considering stock costs or penalties related to uncertainty makes it necessary to carry out studies regarding the treatment of risk. The present article aims to analyze elements related to some inventory models from their structure, purpose and decision making policy, emphasizing the treatment of non - deterministic cases where there is uncertainty in random demands with density ϕ .This is possible using a quantitative methodology and having as fundamental reference the characterization of the structure of a well-posed problem that responds to an optimal policy and to the adequacy of a coherent risk measure. The basic theoretical assumptions are presented for the understanding of the theme. Likewise, some topics related to inventory theory are identified and conceptualized, based on the theory’s objectives and inventory control structure, mentioning some inventory models. Besides, a theoretical construction is made in the treatment of inventory model optimization from uncertainty, in an analogy with deterministic models, in order to establish relationships between the decisionmaking policy for inventory models and the usual stochastic order. Finally, conclusions are established regarding the importance of the policy approach in the framework of risk measures for uncertainty scenarios by proposing a treatment for productive systems.
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    La cooperación internacional, gran ausente en la visión de la ciencia, la tecnología y la innovación de Colombia
    (2016) Sepúlveda Aguirre, Jovany Arley; Londoño Patiño, Julio Albeiro; Roldan Alvarez, Miguel Ángel
    A reflection about the absence of international cooperation as a very relevant actor in the vision of science, technology and innovation in Colombia for the 10 years to come is made, according to the STI Conpes currently being discussed for its final sanction and which will define the routes and the scope for these subjects in the medium term for Colombia.
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    Las spin-off en el contexto universitario colombiano: consideraciones generales
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2013) Zúñiga Zapata, Ana Cristina
    The generation of applicable scientific knowledge and the development of transfer methodologies facilitate the improvement of research methods, the internal activities of scientific production and their impacts on the scientific community. The universities choose several ways for transferring knowledge to society and one of them is the generation of spin-offs. Universities from Colombia and Antioquia have begun their studies about this mechanism with research based business formalization. This article aims to provide elements for further research works about the necessary conditions universities will have to create in order to ease this technology transfer mechanism in the communities of interest.
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    Identificación y valoración de impactos sobre la flora por la implementación de pequeñas centrales hidroeléctricas (Sonsón-Antioquia)
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2013) Moscoso Marín, Luz Bibiana; Montealegre Torres, Jorge Luis
    Small hydroelectric power plants are included among the clean energy production sources, and they are attractive as a business. Besides, in force regulations give them environmental licenses and make a soft control. Also, there are tax and financial advantages and flexibility for them. As a consequence, if many of those plants accumulate in a watershed or are established with not enough precautions, the biological characteristics of the place can be severely affected. Objective. The effect was assessed and the transformation of the vegetation with a diameter equal or above 10 centimeters at the height of human chest was estimated, with the hydroelectric plants installed in the town of Sonsón, following Conesa´s model and another one proposed by the authors. Methodology. The assessment of the impacts was performed with both models and the structure, composition and the diversity of the vegetation around the small hydroelectric power plants before the facilities were installed, were determined. Results. The highest impact found was the removal of the topsoil to adequateworkshops, entrances of tunnels, temporary accesses, machinery rooms and other constructions, and this soil cannot be recovered. The effects are irreversible, accumulative and persistent over time. Conclusion. With the model developed from the revision and collection of data from other small hydroelectric power plants with similar conditions, both environmental and in terms of the size of their construction processes, a very precise estimation of their impacts on the flora was achieved.
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    Oxidación lipídica y antioxidantes naturales en derivados cárnicos
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2013) Isaza Maya, Yeni Lorena; Restrepo Molina, Diego Alonso; López Vargas, Jairo Humberto
    One of the main causes of damage in meat and meat products is lipid oxidation, due to their content in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), which make them susceptible to oxidative reactions. This reactions produce quality defects showed by deteriorative changes in flavor, color, texture, nutritive content, and maybe toxic compounds production. Antioxidant compounds application is one of the possibilities to inhibit or to minimize oxidation process and their negative effects on meat and meat products. This article has as main objective to review the mechanisms and effects of lipid oxidation in meat products as well as the application of natural antioxidants in its inhibition.
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    Development of Large Photovoltaic Solar Energy Projects in South America
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2013) Gil V., Víctor D.; Correa Henao, Gabriel Jaime
    Solar energy is one of the best sources of renewable energy because of its inexhaustible nature and easy implementation. In recent years European countries, such as Spain and Germany, have made great advances in the development of technologies for the production of both photovoltaic and thermal solar energy, becoming examples of environmental and economic benefits for South-American countries in the implementation of these kinds of technologies for distributed generation.
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    Nueva fuente de antioxidantes para el control de pardeamiento enzimático: una alternativa para la reducción de pérdidas en poscosecha de frutas
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2013) Álzate Tamayo, Luz María; Arteaga González, Diana María; Guerrero Eraso, Carlos Arturo; Rojano, Benjamín Alberto.
    Fresh fruits and vegetables have had an increase of their demand during the last decade, because there is evidence of the correlation bewteen their consumption and lower risks of chronic and degenerative diseases. Besides, there is a similar trend to consume such food in minimally processed ways(Dudley, Das, Mukherjee & Das, 2009). On the other hand, there is a constant deterioration suffered by fresh fruits and vegetables due to changes, reactions or decomposition that degrade their color, texture and taste. Enzymatic browning reactions are one of the main causes of the deterioration of these natural products and are crucial to define their quality and economic value (Wootton-Beard, Moran & Ryan). Keeping in mind the inerest of contributing to the solution of the commercialization of healthy and minimally transformed fruits, this research work appears to study the anioxidant properties of the peel, the seed and the pulp of the carob and its application on fruits susceptible to such reactions, as the third phase of a research work about the obtainment of natural conservants from this native plant. The objective was to evaluate the antioxidant capacity of carob (Hymenaea courbaril Linneaus) on fruits susceptible to enzymatic browning. The study, particularly, starts with a physical-chemical characterization of the peel, the seed and the pulp of the carob. Then, the content of phenols and their antioxidant capacity are analyzed by the use of the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity –ORAC– method in order to, finally, study their application on apples and bananas as reference fruits that suffer from enzymatic browning, by analyzing the browning rates and the change of the normal color. By means of the ANOVA analysis, a statistically significant difference (p < 0,05) between the four variables could be identified (ascorbic acid, seed, pulp and peel) and a high inhibition power before enzymatic browning was demonstrated in the two fruits anayzed. The inhibition was more effective by the use of the carob´s seed in bananas, and by the use of the pulp in apples.
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    Análisis comparativo de colombia frente a los nueve países más desarrollados según el IEPG, mediante el análisis multivariado y los gráficos pictóricos
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2013) Ocampo García, Juan Esteban; Ospina Betancur, Jaime Alejandro
    Human development is a topic that generates much discussion not only in academia, but also is a key factor in the study of experts in financial and administrative areas. This article aims to contribute to the knowledge of the global economic environment, comparing some social, economic, and network environment variables, in order to establish trends of development, and identify similarities among the countries studied. We conclude on the usefulness pictorial graphics comparative analysis chart.
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    Efecto de la exposición a la luz ultravioleta uv-c en la viabilidad de especies de Eschericha coli y Salmonella typhimurium
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2013) Oviedo, Dumas; Rojas, Jesús María; Borda, Ricardo Alberto; Durango, Mónica María
    Introduction. The germicidal effect UV-C light has is regarded as an effective tool to inactivate and eliminate harmful contaminating agents, such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. Objective. evaluating the effectiveness of UV-C light for reducing Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimorium populations from cultures that had the microorganisms, combining factors like concentration, time and distance. Methodology. A UV-C lamp, with a 254 nm and 8 volts power, was used; the microbial strains used were Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium of ATCC references. The factors to be measured were the concentration of the microorganism 1x103 and 1x105 ufc/g, time 5-10 and 15 min, distance 5-10 and 20 cm. The data were finally analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics and variance analysis. Results. a higher germicidal effect was observed in the 1x105 concentration for both microorganisms, thus demonstrating significant differences of the microbial reduction of Escherichia coli. The time with the highest reduction of the growth rate for both microorganisms was 15 minutes and the distance with the highest microbial reduction was 5cm. There were not, nevertheless, significant differences of the microbial reduction in the time and distance factors. Besides, Salmonella typhimorium had a higher sensibility to the exposition than that of Escherichia coli. Conclusion. the microbial concentration is a crucial factor for the Escherichia coli`s survival. After being exposed to the UV-C light, Salmonella typhimorium is more sensible to that exposition than Escherichia coli.
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    Evaluación del comportamiento de sustitutos de grasa y edulcorantes en la formulación de galletas light
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2014-10-21) González Álvarez, Dubán; Valencia García, Francia Elena
    Introduction. Cookies are food with a high energetic value, and they are obtained by toasting a mass elaborated with flour, fat (vegetable or animal) sugar and diverse aromatic food. Current trends aim to reduce this energetic value due to the consequences the high consumption of fat and sugar have on human health. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate products with lower caloric content but maintaining characteristics similar to those of the traditional product. Objective. To reduce the caloric content by the use of three fat substitutes and two sweeteners in a formula for light cookies. Materials and methods. A reference formulation (R) and four formulations with fat substitutes and sweeteners were used: Sorbitol-inulin (F1), Sucralose-Maltodextrin (F2), sucralose–inulin (F3) and sucralose- Z-Trim (F4). Aqueous activity, humidity, total soluble solids (°Brix), pH, diameter and thickness were measured. Results. In general, there was a caloric reduction in a range of 29-33% for the formulations compared to the reference. The cookies of the different formulations had values between the ranges of 0,41 - 0,78;7,75- 14; 17-24; 9,25-10,41; 45,07-52,90; 10,13-15,44 for aqueous activity, humidity (%), total soluble solids (°Brix), pH , diameter (mm) and thickness (mm), respectively. Conclusion. For the cookie made with the Z-trm-sucralose (F4), a 33% reduction of the calories was achieved, thus obtaining a product with physical chemical characteristics similar to those of the reference cookie. It can be, therefore, said that this is the best combination of fat substitute and sweetener to develop a light cookie.
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    Bases para la distribución en almacenes: una aproximación
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2014-10-21) Obando Morales, Sebastián; Vélez Duque, Estefanía; Fernández Castañeda, Laura C.; Zúñiga Zapata, Ana Cristina
    The design of merchandise distribution in warehouses is a topic there are not many studies about, despite the fact it is one fourth of the storing costs and the base for designing the place in which the capital of companies will be stored. This paper aims to introduce some guidelines, developed from proposals by several authors concerning the design of stores in general, but they are synthesized particularly for the design of the distribution in warehouses in order to guide companies in their search for lower logistic costs and productivity increases.
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    La gestión socio-ambiental y el recurso hídrico
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012-08-30) Arroyave Rojas, Joan Amir; Builes Jaramillo, Luis Alejandro; Rodríguez Gaviria, Edna Margarita
    This paper is a reflection about the way human beings have established their relationship with the environment and how it has brought difficulties in the environmental management. It emphasizes on the planning and the management of water resources, making a general review of the advances in the regulation associated to water that has impacted the management. Finally, it proposes a discussion about a change of the paradigm and of the social and the environmental cultures favoring a better social/environmental management of water resources, procuring its sustainability at all of the different scales.
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    Tratamiento de aguas residuales de la industria textil por medio de luz ultravioleta: una comparación de dióxido de titanio y fenton
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012-08-30) Garcés Giraldo, Luís Fernando; Hernández Ángel, Marta Lucía
    Introduction. In this paper, an experiment made with the degradation of the Recoltive red dye with titanium dioxide, peroxide and phenton using the UV lamp as a medium, is presented. The tests made involved the variation of the quantities of these oxidants. Objective. To compare the treatments with titanium dioxide and phenton for colored waste water. Materials and methods. The equipment used consisted of a 41 cm x 25,5 cm x 20 cm glass bucket that contained 15L of sample; a MIGHTY PURE ultra violet lamp 60 Hz and a pump that drives a 0,047 L/s flow. The dye was added in the tank and then the concentration was 100 mg/L. The pH was continuously measured in order to adjust it in 5,0.When phenton and TiO2 were used, either acids or bases were required to measure the pH values, because they were more stable. Results. The best combination to treat water from textile industries with UV light lamp and titanium dioxide is 100 mg/L of TiO2 and 2% v/v of H2O2. The test with the optimal degradation of the color was that with phenton, 30 mg/L of FeCl3 and 1% v/v of H2O2. Conclusions. The use of advanced oxidation processes such as photo catalysis with TiO2 or photo phenton, had different results concerning the reduction of the dye´s degradation percentage and higher reaction speeds. The photo phenton reaction was the one with the best percentages and reduction time periods (E13 with 30 mg/L FeCl3 and 1% v/v of H2O2).
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    Mezcla de cemento y agregados: una alternativa para la elaboración de una placa de hormigón usada en casas anfibias o flotantes
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012-08-30) Millán Cardona, Leonidas de Jesús; Alcalde Mejía, Natalia; Montoya Salgado, María Fernanda
    Introduction. Floods and weather changes are affecting the homes of the people who live in open shores. The idea of the term amphibious houses is to provide a solution to the se people´s housing, preventing the loss of the houses in the floods. Objective. To evaluate the best mixture of cement and aggregates to develop a floating structure (slab) intended to be the base for floating houses. Methodology. A standard commercial mixture was taken as a base and other two mixtures were made in order to compare. In the mixture cement, common sand and 3/8 crushed were used. Three treatments with three replicas for each one were performed, completing nine tests. The experimental design used was a unifactorial design. Results. If a highly firm slab is aimed to be built, the mixture from proportion 1 is recommended. Proportion 3 is recommended for the opposite. Conclusion. If a formula to develop a resistant and stable slab is required, treatment 3 is recommended. It has 14.28% of cement, 28.57% of sand and 57.14 of crushed.
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    Cuantificación de hierro ferroso en espinaca y harina fortificada: una aplicación para la industria de panificación
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012-08-30) Arango Ruiz, Álvaro de Jesús; Vélez Argumedo, Catalina María; Jaramillo Garcés, Yamile; Valencia Rojas, María Adelaida; Hernández Sierra, Ángela
    Introduction. The nutritional deficiency of certain minerals, such as iron, affects people worldwide and affects their health depending, mainly, on the incidence degree and the magnitude of such deficiency. Spinach is one of the vegetables in which iron is more abundant, and this is why this research work evaluates this micro mineral in a bakery product: The cookies or biscuits usually consumed by Colombians in their daily diet. In the process and the development of new technologies, the quantification of vitamins and minerals that intervene in food is essential. Analytic chemistry has played a primordial role in it, because its methods generate very exact results and they do soin a practical way. Objective. The ferrous iron Fe2+ present in three matrices was counted. These matrices are: Spinaciaoleraceaspinach, the unchlorinated wheat flour and a classic mass for enhanced biscuits with and without spinach pulp in its formula, aiming to observe the possibility of a direct fortification with iron, by the use of a vegetal matrix, such as spinach, for a bakery finished product. Methodology. Fe2+ was quantified in every proposed matrix by the use of UV Visible spectrophotometry, with the ortho-phenanthroline method. Results. A 7,93 mg /L iron concentration was found in the mass with added spinach and for the control mass, it was 3,56 mg/L. This means a 4,37 mg/L increase. Conclusion. The significant difference in the iron concentration analysis evaluated in the samples, demonstrates the functionality of spinach because of its high iron content. This result can be used to fortify bakery products and other alimentary matrices.
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    Papaína extraída a partir de la cáscara de la papayuela perteneciente a la especie (Carica papaya L.), por medio de microondas con aplicación en el ablandamiento de la carne bovina
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012-08-30) Gil Garzón, Maritza Andrea; Bedoya Mejía, Vanessa; Millán Cardona, Leonidas de Jesús; Benavides Paz, Yara Licceth
    Introduction. Papain is an enzyme commonly used to tenderize meat, but obtaining it at an industrial scale is a process based on extracting it by making longitudinal cuts on the papayuela and taking the latex that contains the papain. Then, it is dried by the use of a conventional oven, sprinkling or lyophilization. This process takes time and brings loses of the extract during the transformation until obtaining the final product, due to the extensive handling, and this fact can affect its enzymatic quality. Objective.This research work aims to evaluate the extraction of papain by the use of microwaves, as a way to approach an area not yet studied and as an alternative for the use of agricultural waste materials. Methodology. It consisted of several stages: The first was the physical-chemical characterization of the fruit in order to standardize the raw material, followed by the extraction from the Carica Papaya L. papayuela peels in presence of analytic ethanol. The conditions of the microwave oven with a 390W power at a 30 seconds time were established. Later, the extract was filtered and concentrated to be applied on pieces of beef meat from the round area during 60seconds. The effect of the extract on the meat tenderization was verified with a texture profile analysis – TPA- during 0 minutes, 5 minutes and 10 minutes. Results.The statistical analysis reported significant differences (p<0.05) concerning the hardness of the meat after a 5 minutes storage, when compared to the other time periods, and reached a 50% softening. Conclusion. Extracting papain by the use of microwaves is an alternative to obtain this enzyme in shorter periods of time, avoiding its degradation, in comparison with traditional methods.
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    Aplicación de la técnica de impregnación a vacío en el desarrollo de cáscaras de naranja mínimamente procesadas fortificadas con potasio, sodio, y vitaminas B1, B6 y B9
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012-08-30) Restrepo Duque, Ana María; Arredondo Velásquez, Alejandra; Morales Monsalve, Cristian; Tamayo Mesa, Marisol; Benavides Paz, Yara Licceth; Bedoya Mejía, Vanessa; Vélez Argumedo, Catalina María
    Introduction. Orange peel is approximately 40-50% of the fruit. As a sub-product, it could be used to develop food with added values. Objective. This research work evaluates the feasibility to develop snack orange peels fortified with potassium, sodium and B1, B6 and B9 vitamins, micronutrients that are lost after an excessive consumption of alcohol, by the use of the matrices engineering via the vacuum impregnation technique as a mechanism to incorporate the dissolution. Methodology. The theoretical concentration of potassium, sodium and vitamins B1, B6 and B9 was determined by a matter balance in the solid porous system (orange peel)-liquid (impregnation dissolution) with an isotonic solution and 100g of fresh peel as a base. The system was submitted to vacuum during 5 minutes in an impregnation chamber and later the atmospheric pressure was re-established during 10 minutes. Results. The response parameters to the impregnation (mass fraction -XHDM, volumetric fraction-X and effective porosity-ɛ) were: 8,5±1,2; 8,1±0,9; 34±5,7, respectively. There are no significant statistic differences related to the physical-chemical characterization as an effect of the impregnation treatment in the aWand pH parameters, but there are significant differences in the humidity percentage, Brix degrees and ashes content. Conclusion. This demonstrates that orange peels can be impregnated in order to use them in products with a high added value by the use of the matrices engineering.