Entre la encrucijada, la religación y otros tipos de bucles formativos para enfrentar la globalización desde los adolescentes
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
Being an adolescent, given the complexity,
contradictions and paradoxes configured as an
expression through the sociocultural ethos, is
not something that can be taught or covered from
educative institutions or from education in general,
unless a transdisciplinary perspective is assumed.
This perspective must take into account the necessity
of including the dialectical poles that characterize this
in an endless process of consciousness development
which, at the end, is just the unlearning process of
our ignorance on the adolescence issue, in order to
advance towards the re-learning required. This is the
point of view of this article, aiming to advance in the
debate about the formative condition of teachers to
achieve a real social inclusion process and where education has a crucial historical role. The article is
derived from a macro research project in progress
since 2000 and from which several sides have been
showing advances, aiming to enrich the educative
logics and the pedagogical practices of institutions
with their consequences in terms of formation biases
for this population.
Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Adolescentes - Aspectos sociales, Adolescentes - Aspectos psicológicos, Aprendizaje, Globalización