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Origen y la evolución de la comunicación organizacional en Antioquia, a partir del testimonio de algunos de sus protagonistas.

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista


Abstract: Introduction. This research work about the history of organizational communications in Antioquia aims to get and keep the testimonies of people who have experienced, very closely, this process, and whose declarations are very valuable to understand how communications have evolved in Antioquian companies. Materials and methods. A history of organizational communications in Antioquia has been built by the use of in-depth interviews, made to six protagonist people in the history of communications in the region. The materials were chronologically organized in decades, because the testimonies were spontaneously expressed that way by the people interviewed. The interviews allowed a construction and an understanding of the evolution of organizational communications in Antioquia, differentiate some important milestones and define some findings and conclusions. Results. In Antioquia, organizational Communications were initially boosted by the industrialization that took place in the 60´s decade, which implied the integration of communication professionals who were getting graduated from universities in those times. In this region, organizational communications had, since their beginning, two currents: One focused on public relations, with a preference for external stakeholders, which was finally addressed towards advisory and consultancy processes in the organizations, and another that initially worked with external stakeholders, especially mass media, and later started to work with internal stakeholders. It evolved to a point in which it became a part of strategic positions in the organizations, and its practitioners became one of the decision makers in them. Organizational communications has also evolved in the way they are assessed, from very basic ways of evaluation to achieving impact indicators for communication strategies based on the stakeholders´ perception of the attributes and contents transmitted through the media available. Conclusion. Organizational communications have evolved from being a support activity, especially to send information to mass media, to a current situation in which communication in companies are seen as a critical factor for success, given the high competition levels in the markets and the necessity of strategic views this fact brings; The search for new markets, which requires a knowledge and a definition of new audiences; The changing behavior of consumers; The necessity of keeping employees motivated and trained and the new challenges brought by economy cycles, among many phenomena.



Comunicación organizacional, Comunicación, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
