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Intervención Psicopedagógica para el Desarrollo de las Habilidades Sociales y de Empatía Emocional en un Grupo de Estudiantes de Primero de Educación Básica de la Fundación educativa Soleira


This research project is aimed to design a psycho pedagogical intervention proposal to strengthen the development of social skills and emotional empathy in a group of first grade of elementary school from Foundation Soleira and a child with Down syndrome, identifying skills that will facilitate their active participation in society and interpersonal relationships. This proposal builds on the issues raised by inclusive education which Stainback (1992) states that all students have their own and specific educational needs to access learning experiences; whose welfare requires immediate attention and effective integration by generating inclusive settings which means respect, understand and protect the diversity. Education systems, schools and teachers primarily respond to the expectations and needs of students by ensuring equal access to education and effective curriculum framework, all this attention can be provided for most of them, by psycho pedagogical proceedings in classrooms. Therefore, all this proposed intervention was targeted to work with such inclusive approach, but with more emphasis on the case of children diagnosed with Down syndrome, due to the great importance to strengthening the development of social skills and emotional empathy, since children who have this difficulty do not easily achieved self-control which generates a variety of temperaments and personalities, so it is essential to help them strengthen their self-esteem recognizing their condition, in both, personal and academic levels.



Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Licenciatura en Preescolar, Fundación Educativa Soleira, Educación básica primaria, Educación de niños
