Incidencia de los procesos educomunicativos en los proyectos ambientales escolares
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
Introduction. A qualitative and quantitative analysis
of the influence of educommunicative processes on
education, specifically on the School Environmental
Projects of the PRAE Network at Área Metropolitana
del Valle de Aburrá, is introduced in this article.
This is done by means of critical reflections
about the importance of contextualization of the
environmental education and the most effective way
to transmit their processes and results to the whole
educative community. Methodology. The design
and application of the collection instruments for
the primary information were proposed with some
members of the educative community from every
institution in which the project was applied, by means
of surveys and in-depth interviews. The information
was stored in databases and analyzed by the use of
graphic methods and percentages, thus obtaining the
tendencies in the information collected. Results. The
internal communication processes in the educative
institutions are very weak, so the appropriation
of the projects has not been enough. Most of the
institutions have started training processes for the
actors involved, but have had poor results due to the
fact that the formation provided is not fully multiplied
for the whole educative community. Conclusion.
More divulgation of the results is necessary in order
to make the purposes and achievements of the environmental projects at the schools more visible,
going beyond the formulation of the projects and
making a wider reading of the context, identifying the
real strengths of this context through the solution of
the real problems these projects are having.
Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Educación ambiental, Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, Red de proyectos ambientales escolares (RED PRAE), Comunicación en educación