Determinación de Escherichia Coli e identificación del serotipo O157:H7 en carne de cerdo comercializada en los principales supermercados de la ciudad de Cartagena
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
Introduction. Pork meat is a very well regarded
food, with high protein content and a good price. It is
highly consumed in Cartagena, and this easy commercialization
eases that in some cases the meat
is not kept and sold under the most strict hygiene
conditions. Keeping this meat under inadequate
conditions brings infectious agents and an exaggerated
number of microorganisms that create a public
health problem. Objective. Determine E. coli
and identify the O157:H7 serotype in pork meat
commercialized in Cartagena´s supermarkets during
August and September, 2008. Materials and
methods. This research work used a quantitative
approach with a descriptive cross-sectional type and
a MPN (most probable number) technique according to INVIMA´s standards, and the Reveal device was
used to identify the O157:H7 serotype. 60 samples
of pork meat commercialized in 20 supermarkets
in Cartagena were taken. 3 samples were taken in
each supermarket, corresponding to three different
parts of the animal (lean-rib-chop) in order to have
a total of 60 samples. Results. E.coli was found in
36 samples, in unacceptable quantities corresponding
to a 60%, and the O157:H7 serotype was found
in 17 samples, corresponding to a 28%. Conclusion.
60% of the samples contaminated with E. coli
and 28% of the samples that turned out to be positive
for the O157:H7 serotype, are not considered
as safe for human consumption. This demonstrates
that there are deficiencies in the microbial quality of
the food commercialized in supermarkets located in
Cartagena, thus jeopardizing public health.
Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, E.Coli, Manipulación de alimentos, Enfermedades de transmisión por alimentos (ETA), Carne de cerdo, Carne de cerdo - Comercio, Higiene de los alimentos, Diagnóstico microbiológico