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La fotocatálisis como alternativa para el tratamiento de aguas residuales


To minimize the impacts caused by industries in water sources, the advanced oxidation processes (POA in Spanish) have been established as a technologically possible and really new alternative to treat the liquid waste produced by those industries. The POA are, basically, forms of hydroxyls radicals highly oxidative, and they contribute to the total mineralization of the contaminant compounds contained in industrial liquids wastes. Among the most used processes we have photo catalysis, which is an acceleration of a photo reaction by the use of a catalyzer. In this article we make a review of the POA, focusing on the photo oxidation processes.



Fotocatálisis, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Oxidación, Fotólisis, Fotooxidación, Contaminación del agua, Aguas residuales industriales, Aguas residuales, Fotofenton, Dióxido de titanio (TIO2), Tratamiento de aguas residuales
