Prácticas ambientales éticas en el ejercicio interdisciplinario del derecho
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
The Colombian Constitution of 1991, in its third
chapter, defined the collective and environmental
rights and in its article 79 it established that
everybody is entitled to enjoy a healthy environment,
boosting education in order to achieve these goals.
Environmental education must be proposed from
all of the different disciplines (sociology, philosophy,
medicine, education, communication, accountancy,
economy and law, among others). Taking care of
the environment is then an interdisciplinary crucial
activity that benefits the community. Understanding
the practice of law as one of the disciplines that brings
environmental wear and tear, due to the excessive
consumption of paper, the proposal here is to use the
technological and electronic means allowed by the
law in order to minimize the use of such material.
As a matter of fact, the new civil procedure code
establishes a digital justice plan to make and assess
files. Besides, the Colombian ministry of justice and
law established virtual law for conciliations and
arbitration, among other environmental practices.
There is a resistance in the practice of law concerning
the change from physical to virtual documents. An
environmentally friendly practice boosted by the
State is the “zero paper” culture in public and private
Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, Derecho, Buenas prácticas ambientales, Gobierno, Protección del medio ambiente, Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC)