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Sustitución de tartrazina por betacaroteno en la elaboración de bebidas no alcohólicas

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista


Introduction. Colorants, as alimentary additives are currently under observation because their possible effects on the consumer’s health. Therefore, studies are being made in order to substitute artificial dyes for others with a natural origin. Among these, tartrazine is one of the few aditives that must be declared out of the list because of its possible allergenic effects. As an alternative of substitution, we have beta carotene, because of its natural origin and its anti oxidant properties. Objective. To evaluate the feasibility of replacing tartrazine with beta carotene as yellow dye to elaborate a not alcoholic beverage. Material sand methods. The work was made with tartrazine and commercial beta carotene and calibration curves were made by the use of UVvisible spectrophotometry for both dyes. Then, a follow up of the compounds´ stability was made under different environmental conditions in order to determine their degradation. Finally, a sensitivity evaluation of the product was made to identify possible adverse effects on the taste of the beverage. Results. Under extreme environmental conditions (sudden temperature changes and direct sunlight) tartrazine is more resistant than beta carotene. Nevertheless, under normal storage conditions (interior, refrigeration boxes) both dyes show an adequate stability. The sensitivity evaluation resulted in a 64% preference of those evaluated for the product with beta carotene because of its more natural appearance and better texture and taste. Conclusion. Betacarotene can be used as a substitute for tartrazine in the fabrication of not alcoholic beverages, but storage conditions must be adequate.



Tartrazina, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Bebidas no alcohólicas, Betacaroteno, Colorantes en los alimentos, Alimentos, Alimentos - Producción
