Muestreo para el levantamiento de datos acerca de la enseñanza de física experimental en Guayaquil
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Editorial Lasallista
Introduction. This work is part of the
development of a project that aims to
characterize the state of the teaching
of Experimental Physics in educational
institutions of the middle level of the city
of Guayaquil. Objective. Determine a
sample for data collection by means of
a survey about Experimental Physics
in Guayaquil. Materials and methods.
The study population was delimited
and a random sampling combined
with a stratified sampling was carried
out. Results. It should be noted 192
educational institutions of high school
level as a representative sample of
the 384 that make up the population.
With this information, the proportion
of institutions for each district was
calculated. Conclusion. This is not
the only way to calculate the size of
the sample, however, it is necessary
to inform the procedures used in this
process, which allows the reader
to make their own judgment about
whether they accept the assumptions
of the research group and procedures.
Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Física, Metodología de la educación, Innovación educativa
Revista Lasallista de Investigación Vol. 15 No 2 2018