(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012) Gutiérrez, Luz Adriana; Seguro, Sebastián; Arenas Arrubla, Juan Esteban; Moreno, Juan Guillermo
The solid waste disposal industrial and agricultural
problems is one of the XXI century, recycling and
reuse of these can largely solve this situation,
this is how the production of organic fertilizers
facilitates the provision of agricultural residues
and residents. In this investigation occurred as
bocashi fermented fertilizers and Bioplus with
and without efficient microorganisms previously
isolated, evaluating the power of these fertilizers
on tomato and corn seeds in the greenhouse,
quantifying the apical growth of these for a
period of four weeks. The results showed that the
additive with microorganisms Bioplus efficient is
a good organic fertilizer for corn and tomatoes.