It is essential to remember that the subject, understood as the human appendix to model or collective ideology and that does not exclude the person that is a human being or individual, responsible and independent that is constantly in formation, constituting and qualifying himself.
Throughout history, it has been found that the human being is a being that is formed and build himself, fruit of experience and relationships with others is built and has the ability to be open to experience new paradigms that contribute to their overall growth.
This work had the purpose of interpret the way how influences popular music such as reggaeton, in the constitution of subjectivity in adolescents aged 15-16 years in the San José De La Salle School.
Youth groups called "reggaeton" have a specific urban culture that makes certain "look", clothing, tattoos, religion, language and expressions; to transform collective imaginary especially juveniles who consciously or unconsciously listen to this genre. The semantics of this music has been mainly characterized by its sexual content, influencing both their letters, such as in how to dance ("perreo").