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Uso de dos fotosensibilizadores para el tratamiento de aguas residuales coloreadas: un análisis desde el modelo factorial

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista


Abstrac: Introduction. Sensitized photo degradation with TiO2 or FeCl3 is a technique that can be used as a depuration system or as a third process, especially for industrial waste treatments. Objective. To evaluate TiO2 and FeCl3 interaction with H2O2 from textile liquid waste by the use of artificial light w3ith an exponential model. Materials and methods. To make the tests, a 60 Hz MIGHTY PURE ultra violet light lamp was used, with a 41 cm x 25,5 cm x 20 cm glass bucket containing 15 L of the sample. This system was complemented with a pump that manages a 0,047 L/s flow. Results. A 100% degradation and a 70.1 mineralization were obtained w2ith the test in which a 60 mg/L FeCl3 and 1.0 mL/L of H2O2 dose was used. Conclusion. Dyed water’s degradation and mineralization is faster with the use of FeCl3 than with the use of H2 O2.



Contaminación, Fotosensibilizadores, Tratamiento de aguas residuales, Fotodegradación, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Tecnologías fotocatáliticas
