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Manual de estilo digital para

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista


The objective of the following Project is to provide a guide that facilitates the updating process of the digital contents and define the characteristics that journalists who work in the web should follow. Through it, a step by step explanation of the tasks the community manager should accomplish will be established, whether it is the journalist, the editor or the practitioner who decides to acquire this role. This manual intends to demonstrate the difference between the digital and the print in order to create a more interactive web page that allows the reader to identify the medium as a platform that offers a variety of formats in which content can be displayed. Besides showing the druppal platform´s capability of uploading news to the web, through the use of social networks it will be possible to manage the dialogue with the community in a more efficient way, expand the niche in the market of the people who need to establish familiarity with today´s informative world and hook contents mainly through Facebook and Twitter in order for the users to increase the visits to the web page.



Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Comunicación y Periodismo, Periodismo - Manuales, Periódico La Patria
