(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Editorial Lasallista., 2016) Tirado Armesto, Diego Felipe; Gallo García, Luis Alberto; Acevedo Correa, Diofanor; Mouthon Bello, Javier Alejandro
This revision ́s objective was to consult, analyze and conclude the main treatments applied to waste waters from dairy industries. The most used technologies are the biological and physical-chemical ones, along with beneficial microorganisms, micro algae, coagulants, etc. Nevertheless, anaerobic digestion is a biological process applied to waters of this sort, due to the fact it has greater advantages if compared to other treatments, like a higher stabilization degree and a low biomass growth. It was found that waste waters have high levels of dissolved or suspended solids, including fat, oils and nutrients such as ammonia, minerals and phosphates