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Item 100 Preguntas y respuestas para comprender el conflicto colombiano. Tomo I - Tomo II(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2017) Montoya Vásquez, Mauricio A.El trabajo que se presenta a continuación nace, en un primer momento, como fruto de numerosos diálogos con colegas y amigos. Esta idea fue moldeándose paso a paso y gracias a las diferentes inquietudes que surgían en relación con el tema, pero especialmente, debido a una preocupación pedagógica de cómo acercar a muchas personas al conocimiento de una temática tan compleja y coyuntural como la del conflicto colombiano. Es claro que actualmente existe una gran cantidad y variedad de literatura especializada sobre el conflicto nacional, pero muchos de esos referentes son desconocidos, varios de ellos poco leídos y, en la mayoría de las ocasiones, solo trabajados por inquietos y estudiosos del tema, ya que suelen utilizar lenguajes altamente técnicos. Estas conclusiones fueron producto de decenas de encuestas y conversaciones con estudiantes y ciudadanos del común, quienes en un alto porcentaje, afirmaron no conocer ni haber leído ninguno de los textos referidos como básico para la comprensión del conflicto.Item A propósito de las maneras de nombrar y de su relación con lo nombrado. Una aproximación a lo que se entiende por pedagogía infantil en el contexto colombiano(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2017) Posada Giraldo, Diana MaríaIn Colombia, according to information offered by SNIES (National Information System on Higher Education), there are currently around 64 Bachelor Programs (including the programs offered by extension) dedicated to the training of teachers for children, under a plurality of denominations that correspond to the degrees that they award. Child Pedagogy is one of them. It has been 18 years since this way of naming was offered as an alternative along with that of Preschool Education, by Decree 272 of 1998; today, when by another Decree, 2450 of 2015 and Resolution 02041, 2016, Child Pedagogy as a degree is about to disappear, and instead the degree in Early Childhood Education as a unified denomination has been proposed. There are not systematic reflections in the country about what Child Pedagogy covers. This article is developed from three sections: the first presents the panorama of teacher training programs for children in relation to the denominations, the types of institutions and the scenarios of the national geography where they are offered. The second presents a brief tour of the ministerial dispositions referring to the changes in the denomination, and the last one tries to show what under the name of Child Pedagogy is understood in the Colombian context, from the analysis of four texts produced by professors assigned to the Teacher Training Program, as it is called, offered by Universidad de Antioquia, in the line of reflection that has been installed on itself since its creation in 2000, supplemented by two more texts produced by Francisco José de Caldas District University.Item Absorción de Cromo Hexavalente en soluciones acuosas por cascaras de naranja (Citrus sinensis)(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2015-07-31) Tejada Tovar, Candelaria; Quiñones Bolaños, Edgar; Tejeda Benitez, Lesly; Marimón Bolivar, WilfredoIntroduction. Chromium can be found in industrial effluents, usually as CR (III) and CR (VI). The latter is very toxic for all of the life forms and is also mutagenic and carcinogenic in humans. The conventional methods to treat effluents with heavy metals, such as reduction, oxidation, ionic exchange, filtering and membrane technologies are expensive and inefficient at low metal concentrations. The use of biomass eliminates the toxicity problem and allows the recovery of the heavy metals retained, plus the possibility of reusing the adsorbent. Objective. Orange peel as a Cr (VI) in aqueous solutions was studied. Materials and methods. The characterization of the functional groups of the peels was performed by means of an elemental analysis and infrared spectroscopy. The determination of the Cr (VI) concentration was made with the diphenylcarbazide method, by the use of a UV-vis spectrophotometer. Results. The agro industrial waste used shows a 66,6 % removal of Cr (VI) in a 120 minutes period. The phenomenon was better described by the Langmuir isotherm, having a 16,66 mg/g adsorption capacity. The kinetics followed the pseudo-second order adsorption behavior. Conclusions. The most favorable conditions for the Cr (VI) ions adsorption on orange peels were those at a 3 pH and an adsorbent size of 0,425mm. It was demonstrated that the peels can be used to remove Cr (VI) from waste water originated by tannery and other industries.Item Academic reading and writing at the university: Writing centers at a glance(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2015-01) Castellano Ascencio, Milton Daniel; Peña Santodomíngo, Judith María; Villa Urrego, María AlexandraThis text corresponds to a reflection derived from our ongoing research project: “Academic Reading and Writing Center at the University of San Buenaventura, Medellin branch5”. In this regard, we present the initial phase of the research process in its current state. This first advance includes a brief review of some research projects on reading and writing in college that have been developed in some national and international contexts; likewise, it presents a brief approach to the history of the writing centers that have emerged in response to this problem at the higher education level. In this process we also address some of the conceptual categories that make up the central part of the discussion. Finally, we present some of the initial conclusions reached by the research team at this point in the process.Item Acceso ciudadano en la justicia como ejercicio dinámico de publicidad y contradicción, mediante estrategias garantes del debido proceso (acceso digital de pruebas)(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2015-09-07) Meza Ortiz, Hernando; Silvera Sarmiento, Astelio; Pineda Carreño, Mariangélica; Páez, José Miguel; Pérez Vanegas, Lenin EstebanAmong the problems that come up from the participation of citizens and that affect justice as a base of the principles of advertising, contradiction and due process, social strategies that allow the integral development of citizenship and democracy are gathered. These, along with the strengthening of citizenship competencies, make interdisciplinarity and social transformation practices feasible for an interdisciplinary dynamic exercise. Determine the efficiency of the means citizens have to access to justice, in the different notification ways, as a dynamic exercise of advertising and contradiction, by means of strategies that guarantee due process in terms of electronic devices. Materials and methods. To develop this topic the analytic-descriptive method I used, with a dialogical and interdisciplinary focus. This is due to the fact that the study of the issue integrates the dynamic social practice and the applied research to the law, by means of the analysis of contents and the description of the jurisprudential line taken as a base for the structure made to have a constitutional comprehension of the hermeneutical turns the jurisprudence and the doctrine on the subject have. There is a necessity to establish interdisciplinary spaces for the development of citizenship supported by a real action of the citizens and of the mechanisms that guarantee participation in democracy and representation contexts, under the mediation of technological and ICT scenarios.Item Acceso y uso de la web 2.0 en los ambientes educativos étnicos de Riohacha-La Guajira(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2017) Pitre Redondo, Remedios; Moscote Almanza, Hilder; Curiel Gómez, Rebeca; Archila Guio, Jesús Enrique; Amaya López, NicolásIntroduction. Technological tools applied to educative environments constitute one of the most notorious advancements in the last years, in all formation levels. Its importance has strengthened and its validity is larger every day. Therefore, to inquire about its impact is a topic of interest for all agents of academic environments. Objectives. The purpose of this article is to evaluate if teachers have access to WEB 2.0 and how have they been using this essential tool in ethno-educative centers of Riohacha city. Materials and Methods. The type of research performed was the descriptive kind, with a non-experimental/transactional approach. From a population of 64 teachers in the ethno-education centers, a sample of 45 teachers was taken; they should participate in the application of the instrument under the Likert scale, which object was to identify its interaction level with applications and other web 2.0 features. The results were analyzed in Excel software, which generated supporting information to reflection. Results. The findings allow assuring that a large amount of the teachers has access and put in practice the tools in their daily duties. Conclusions. After analyzing the different stages of the research, it can be concluded that the teacher, at present, has access and put into use the Web 2.0 tools; likewise, they maintain a special orientation to be trained and carry on the academic management supported in several applications.Item Aceite de Clavo (Eugenol®) como Anestésico en la Especie Panaque Cochliodon-Steindachner, 1879 (Cucha de Ojos Azules).(Unilasallista Corporación Universitaria, Editorial Lasallista, 2022) David Ruales, Carlos Arturo; Guerra Jiménez, Manuel Oswaldo; Cano Gil, Juan David; Betancur González, Eliana MarcelaLa cucha de ojos azules (Panaque cochliodon) es una especie endémica de la cuenca del Cauca y el Magdalena. Sin embargo, no se tiene mucha información sobre esta especie, incluida la ausencia de un protocolo de sedación adecuado para el trabajo en cautiverio con esta especie. Objetivo: estandarizar un protocolo de sedación del P. cochliodon. Materiales y métodos: se evaluaron diferentes concentraciones del sedante Eugenol que iban desde 20 a 40 mg/L; se adoptaron 4 tipos de sedación y 5 tipos de recuperación, encontrando así los grados de sedación adecuados para los diferentes procedimientos de manejo en confinamiento que se realizaron con esta especie. Resultados: todos los ejemplares alcanzaron la sedación tipo 4 y la recuperación tipo 5 sin mortalidad. Significativamente la concentración a la cual los ejemplares demoraron más tiempo en alcanzar la sedación tipo 4 y recuperación tipo 5 fue la de 20 mg/L, las demás concentraciones no presentaron diferencias entre sí, pero indican una tendencia inversa con respecto a la concentración y el tiempo. Conclusiones: todas las concentraciones evaluadas son seguras para el manejo de P. cochliodon de 314±11,6 gr, no se presentó mortalidad; las concentraciones de 30 a 35 mg/L, ofrecen 2,6 minutos de trabajo, sin efectos deletéreos aparentes sobre la especie.Item Ácidos grasos del hongo funcional pleurotus ostreatus cultivado en residuos sólidos agroindustriales(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2015-08-03) Benavides Calvache, Olga Lucía; Cabrera Hidalgo, Érika Viviana; Villota Muñoz, Andrés Ovidio; Perdomo, David ArturoIntroduction. Pleurotus ostreatus is an edible and medicinal mushroom susceptible of cultivation on lignocellulosic agroindustrial residues. The content of total lipids in this type of fungus can be found in the order of 2 % to 6 %, with major unsaturated fatty acids (omega), which together with bio-compounds may exhibit bioactivity on the decrease in the concentration of triglycerides and cholesterol in humans. Objective. Evaluate the composition of fatty acids in the fruiting bodies of P. ostreatus cultivated on different substrates of agricultural origin. Materials and Methods. The waste employees were coffee pulp, fique bagasse, oil palm rachis and chaff of forage oats. Commercial mycelial P. ostreatus (CP-50) was used and the culture was grown under controlled conditions. Extractions of total lipids in the mushrooms are made with the method of Folch and analysis of methyl esters of fatty acids was performed by GC-FID. Results. The total lipid concentration was expressed as the mean ± SD of three replicates. There was a higher concentration of total lipids (2.40 ± 0.09 %) at the substrate used with oil palm rachis in 96 %. In the fraction of major fatty acids of all treatments there was presence of palmitic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid (values close to 70%). Conclusion. The increased concentration of total lipids in P. ostreatus, was influenced by the characteristics of the substrate prepared with oil palm rachis whose composition had higher lipid content; and the high concentration of linoleic acid in mushrooms of all treatments.Item Acople fotocatalítico - biológico para el tratamiento de desechos complejométricos generados en laboratorios de análisis químico y ambiental(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2010) Baquero Dulcey, Martha Isabel; Sterling López, Adriana María; Mera Benavides, Adriana ConsueloIntroducción. La fotocatálisis heterogénea es útil como pretratamiento antes de un tratamiento biológico para contaminantes resistentes a la biodegradación. La fitorremediación se utiliza para degradar y extraer contaminantes del ambiente. El acople de estas dos técnicas podría ser una buena alternativa para el tratamiento de desechos complejométricos con presencia de indicadores metalocrómicos. Objetivo. Aplicar fotocatálisis y fitorremediación a desechos complejométricos generados en el laboratorio de Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria de la Universidad del Cauca. Materiales y métodos. Para el proceso de fotocatálisis se utilizó un foto-reactor y se analizaron las condiciones bajo las cuales se obtuvieron los mayores porcentajes de degradación y mineralización del indicador Negro de Ericromo T (NET). En el proceso de fitorremediación se utilizaron reactores con plantas acuáticas y el control se realizó por medio del conteo de frondas y análisis químico. Resultados. Las condiciones óptimas para el tratamiento del desecho con presencia del indicador complejométrico NET son: 0,3 g/L de catalizador TiO2, 80 ppm de H2O2 y un tiempo de exposición de luz UV de tres horas, obteniéndose un porcentaje de degradación del NET de 86,85%. En el proceso de fitorremediación no se alcanzó la remoción de sales esperada para este experimento. Conclusión. La utilización de concentraciones adecuadas de TiO2 y H2O2 permite obtener buenos porcentajes de degradación del indicador NET presente en desechos químicos. Se recomienda realizar un estudio más detallado que permita la elección de otro tipo de tratamiento biológico complementario al fotocatalítico, que logre la remoción de las sales presentes.Item Acreditaciones internacionales en escuelas de negocios. Una revisión de la literatura(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2017) Lombana Coy, Jahir; Zapata, ÁlvaroIntroduction. International accreditations have become a means to reflect the characteristics of business schools to their stakeholders. However, there is still a debate about its validity as a quality model, the different standards between accreditors and the perception towards them. That is why more detailed exploration is required, especially from developing countries. Objective. Review and identify the matching elements in the academic literature regarding international accreditations, with emphasis on AACSB and EQUIS. Materials and methods. Through a narrative methodology of literature review, 3025 articles were disaggregated from 21 databases and identifying as fundamental authors Urgel (2007), Hunt (2015), Lejeune (2011) and Shenton (2010), as well as information on the Accreditations AACSB and EQUIS. Results. Repetitive elements are presented in the literature: 1) the dichotomy between accreditation as a means to obtain reputation or improve educational quality; 2) accreditation agencies and their standards, and 3) perceptions of the result of being accredited. Conclusions. The debate about quality or reputation in Business Schools continues; the emphasis of the accreditation bodies is on internationalization, academic development and research; and positive results of accrediting, according to the interest groups, are still inconclusive. Research topics are opened in the areas of emphasis of the accreditation and in the context that should be done for developing countries where research is still incipient.Item Actitudes Ambientales en Residentes de Santander, Cuidado de la Riqueza Natural y Turismo Sostenible.(Unilasallista Corporación Universitaria, Editorial Lasallista., 2022) Daza Ríos, Cindy Tatiana; Bautista Niño, Paula KatherineLas actitudes pro-ambientales se han asociado con los comportamientos pro-ambientales, estos comportamientos son necesarios para promover el cuidado del capital natural y contribuir al turismo sostenible. Objetivo: diagnosticar las actitudes ambientales de residentes en Santander, Colombia; con el fin de generar conocimiento, que permita el diseño de estrategias desde el sector turismo, lo anterior considerando a los residentes como parte interesada fundamental para el sector; debido al impacto de sus comportamientos en el capital natural que es necesario para poder desarrollar actividades turísticas Materiales y Métodos: para recolectar la información sobre actitudes ambientales se utilizó el cuestionario Nuevo paradigma ecológico versión español modificado por el Dr. Emilio Moyano previa autorización Resultados los resultados encontrados muestran una visión conciliadora entre desarrollo y cuidado del medio ambiente. Conclusiones: finalmente, para el análisis de los datos se usó la prueba de X2, los resultados mostraron que en la muestra estudiada no existe relación entre ser hombre o mujer y las actitudes ambientales.Item La adaptación escolar: una experiencia investigativa en preescolar(2016) Vergara M, Cruz Elena; Vélez Vasco, Isabel CristinaThe adaptation to the school is an issue poorly approached in the psychoeducational field, and this is the reason for making this paper derived from a research work about the accompaniment given to pre-school children by teachers, during the process of adaptation to school, made in 2014-2015 at Tercer Milenio school in Caldas, Antioquia, Colombia. In order to accomplish the general objective of describing the teachers´ accompaniment in this process keeping in mind the subjectivities, a qualitative design under the founded theory was used in the research work to orientate the information analysis process. The results describe the notions, difficulties and strategies of the teachers during the children´s adaptation to school. Those results are split into three basic categories that include aspects such as: the child regarded as an “adult in miniature” or a “defenseless” being; the insufficiency in the education knowledge, the professional experience and the use of authority and, in the same direction, there are some limitations in the teaching activity; the maternal position, one of the ways to reduce anguish during the adaptation to school and their own childhood stories as a subjective mark that addresses their way to accompany studentsItem Adaptive User Profiling Scheme Using Brain Imaging(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Editorial Lasallista, 2013) Gaviria Giraldo, Julián; Jiménez Builes, Jovani AlbertoThis article shows how computer science and cognitive neuroscience can be merged to propose an effective profiling scheme. In the area of user profiling this paper will provide the paths and trends that researches has already gone through, and how some issues are being overpassed. In other words, this work will solve effectively one issue: con-tent personalization through the identification of an individual’s learning behavior. objective. This work will demonstrate characterizing someone’s brain responses to a specific action is possible. As this research topic has to deal with different fields and there are not previous researches that conveys both. The core idea is to provide enough elements to form the foundations in both areas and propose a scheme to do so. Materials and methods. This section sum-marizes basic elements of interaction between lear-ners and computers that allows us to integrate them. It will show how some responses named cognitive neuroscience variables are a good source of infor-mation for user profiling and will illustrate how this researched field especially used in neuroscience can be effectively used for this purpose. In other words, this paper is going to show the reader how some reactions to exposed actions can be tracked and characterized. results. It discusses some issues to take into account for developing the proposed profi-ling scheme and shows how human brain responses can be used to acquire the necessary information to feed an intelligent profiling system. These assump-tions allow researchers to account different pheno-mena and use them for different purposes like the one being developed in this work: Learner Profiling. conclusiones. Algunas ventajas y desafíos del Per-filamiento de Aprendices se enumeran y se invita a los investigadores a aplicar esta tecnología en otros campos y a ampliar esta aplicación, especialmente en el contexto enseñanza-aprendizaje.Item Adecuación del esfuerzo terapéutico en pacientes críticamente enfermos o terminales: una metodología multidisciplinaria centrada en el respeto al individuo(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2014-10-18) Navarro Estrada, StellaIn current times, medicine responds to a scheme in which scientific knowledge is used to get a response that aims to remedy a specific pathology. But several phenomena, such as disease, disability and death are closely linked, having blurred limits and making science insufficient to propose an answer to human suffering. In these situations, it is necessary to create new treatment schemes that allow the consideration of multiple elements that go beyond science to, again, focus on the dignity and the necessities of the human being. This study, therefore, focuses on evaluating the complexity of several events that take place in advanced or terminal pathologies in order to create a plan that can be adapted to the individual. Beyond medical futilities and the autonomy, a methodology that involves medical, ethical, personal, relational, cultural, social and economic aspects is proposed, in order to provide an integral attention to the individual.Item Adición de Enterococcus faecium mejora poblaciones celulares inmunes y anticuerpos vacunales de lechones destetos(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Editorial Lasallista, 2016) Herrera Franco, Víctor H.; Ciro Galeano, Johana; Parra Suescún, Jaime EduardoAnimals are subjected, at the moment the sucking pig cannot produce an adequate immunological activity, to several stress types during waning, due to the fact that the passive immunity acquired at the colostrum is gradually reduced and the sucking pig has a low immunological response during post weaning. Objective. Determine the effect of probiotics (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei and Enterococcus faecium) on the populations of immune cells in the blood of weaners. Materials and methods. The experiment was made with 80 weaners with 2 days of age, fed with two diets: commercial diet with and without probiotics. For the first, different probiotics were added in the weaner ́s water. A blood sample was taken from the jugular vein at the 1, 15 and 30 post weaning days. A randomized blocks design was used, arranged with repeated measures during time. Every animal was randomized to one of 15 treatments (5 diets*3times). Results. A significant increase (P<0.01) in the number of immune blood cells and of the number of vaccine antibodies in the animals that consumed E. faecium, in comparison to those that consumed the diet with antibiotics. Conclusions.E. faecium improves the animal ́s response to stressful stimuli such as weaning, having a controlled increase of immune blood cellsItem Adopción y procreación humana asistida homoparental en Colombia: problemas a la bioética y reflexiones del bioderecho(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2014) Zárate Cuello, Amparo de JesúsA collateral finding from the research work “Analysis of homosexual matrimony from biolaw, bioethics and public biopolicies in Colombia: legislation compared to those from Holland and Spain” is introduced, aiming to establish the implications the egalitarian homosexual matrimony would have. The idea is to show the challenges for the nuclear family´s structure, comprised by a father and a mother, when a homoparental family structure appears as a result of the different modalities of polyamorous relationships, supported by the techno-scientific progress that allows the selection of human embryos for assisted human procreation with the in-vitro techni-ques. The article also approaches the adoption of children, a subject that brings bioethical dilemmas and reflec-tions from biolaw about the transformation of the juridical order of nuclear families.Item Adsorción de azul de metileno sobre cascarilla de arroz(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012) Moreno, Anderson; Figueroa, Danilo; Hormaza, AngelinaIntroduction. The contamination produced by the download of industrial effluents, especially from textile, food and paint industries, not only affects ecosystems due to its aesthetic degradation, but, above all, to the reduction of photosynthetic processes. Dyes, due to their aromatic structure, are characterized by their difficult and slow degradation, thus generating accumulations and becoming a contamination source that can even be carcinogenic for some molecules. Adsorption on agricultural wastes appears as an innovative alternative, environmentally favorable and very efficient to treat those dyed effluents. Objective. To find the conditions which allow an efficient removal of the methylene blue dye on rice hulls by the use of the statistical design of experiments and compositionally and structurally analyze the adsorbent material. Materials and methods. The best conditions of the adsorption process were determined under a discontinuous system, evaluating an interval of the variables pH value, dosage of the adsorbent, dye concentration and contact time. The temperature, the agitation and the size of the particles were constant. The dye content was quantified by the use of Ultraviolet-Visible spectrophotometry. Results. A maximum removal of 99% was obtained at pH 9.0, 3.5 mgL-1dosage, 10 mgL-1of concentration and 163 minutes of contact time, with a good adjustment to the statistical models (R2 = 0.92) and with no bias in the measuring. Conclusions. The statistical design was useful to establish the conditions necessary to achieve a high efficiency to remove the methylene blue dye on rice hulls. It also proved that this agricultural waste is a remarkable material to scale the process in a later phase.Item Aglepristone como tratamiento del piometra canino(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012) Molina Díaz, Víctor ManuelDescribe the case of a female french bull dog pyometra presenting diagnosis and was treated with aglepristone. A female french bull dog dog 8 months old, he came to view the center of Veterinary Medicine CES University, Medellín, Colombia, was presented estrus a half months ago, and exhibited purulent vaginal discharge, ultrasonography was performed abdominal full hemoleucograma antibiogram cultivation with pyometra diagnostic, therapy was provided with an anti progestogen aglepristone, synthetic dose of 10 mg / kg, subcutaneously, on days 1, 2, 8, 14 and 28, more enrofloxacin 5 mg / kg every 12 hours for 20 days as monotherapy. The female showed clinical recovery in the first week and underwent finding ourselves CBC normal, entered estrus at 3 months, at which time it was made, Pap smear and ultrasound, diagnosed with early proestrus, progesterone was measured on 11 (15 ng / ml) and served on 11, 13 and 15, present term pregnancy with normal birth, pups alive without physical malformation.Item Aislamiento de consorcio de microorganismos degradadores de cianuro(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2006) Garcés Molina, Adelaida María; Agudelo Betancur, Lina Marcela; Macías Mazo, Karina Isabel; Salinas Alzate, Natalia AndreaIntroduction. Cyanide is used in the mining industry to recover gold, in the shape of a solution, from mother material. This compound is highly toxic and generates great environmental problems, therefore several physical and chemical technologies have been developed to solve them. Materials and methods. Three microogranisms´ consortiums were isolated from soils coming from gold mines in the municiple of Amalfi, Antioquia, where the gold extraction is made with mercuriy. o select the most efficient microorganisms the consortiums were cultivated in nutritive broth, increasing the potasium cyanide concentration from 2x10-4 ppm to 2000 ppm. All the process was made under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Later, the nutritive broth was replaced, step by step, with minimum mineral medium, with 2000 ppm of potasium cyanide as a source of carbon and nitrogen. All the cultivation mediums were prepared at a pH value of 7. During this last stage, the consumed cyanide was quantified with a cyanide selective ion electrode. Results. During the development of this work consortiums of microorganisms were isolated from soils coming from mining zones, and their efficiency for the degradation of potasium cyanide was determined. Conclusion: The biological degradation can be a better alternative to eliminate this contaminant.Item Alcances de la fe en la época contemporánea(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2008) Arteaga Tobón, EdwinIn a laicized world like the Western, which looks for orientation, faith is carefully heard, even though its proposals are not always accomplished. Christian faith counts and will continue counting, on further achievements, a fact which we cannot have doubt about.