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    Anotaciones en torno al mundo de la vida: Die Lebenswelt
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2017) Garcés Giraldo, Luís Fernando; Betancourt Cadavid, Jorge Hernán
    Instead of projecting the horizontality of what was not given, Husserl (cited in Walton, 2009, page 62) speaks of a permanent horizon as a ground that refines what has already been given, in the way of a panorama of knowability or a structure of determination. This prior giving of the world is constantly transformed by means of new sedimentations of meaning and validity. This work invites from the phenomenology to a look towards the past thanks to that we always have the experience of the same situation of a predated world. Husserl maintains that the world is always there for us, and for us it is a certainty of being, as the acquisition of effective experience up to now and of a horizon constantly projected with it of possible experience. In the repeated and indefinite explicitation of the world there is a reflective awareness of an orientation to the fullness of the world (Walton, 2009, p.63).
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    Prácticas de los maestros en torno a la lógica matemática a través del conexionismo
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2017) Ospina Porras, Alexandra; González Arenas, Laura Marcela; Vélez Ríos, Lina María
    This work aims to demonstrate the results on a bibliographic search made to obtain the background of a research process carried out within the Research Seedling of the Interdisciplinary Group of Pedagogical Studies - GIDEP, at the University of San Buenaventura of Medellín, and that has become the degree work of those who write. The topic addressed is about the practices of teachers who teach Mathematical Logics in preschool and first grades of basic education, for whom connectionism serves as an effective instrument to facilitate and stimulate formal thinking and its impact on the training processes. The topic is approached thanks to the fact that there is no doubt in the idea that the formal logical language is propitious to enhance the dimensions of the infants who are specially cared for in pre-school education.
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    Infancia en la sociedad de consumo: subjetivación, control y resistencia ética
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2017) Palacio Giraldo, Laura; Muñoz Gaviria, Diego Alejandro
    In this paper we are interested in reflecting on the power relations that are woven and deployed in the consumer society as a macrostructure or world system (Wallerstein, 2005), that is, to understand the configuration of the current society as a mega supermarket where, as Marx (1975) already explained, everything is bought and everything is sold. In the structuring of said society of consumption, different ways of objectification or concretion are necessary. Therefore, we start from the consideration of shopping centers as mesostructures of the world system of global consumption, given that these centers operate as dynamizers of consumer lives (Bauman, 2007). Inside these shopping centers there are different areas of sale and consumption (clothing, movies, games, art workshops, ice cream, food, stationery, technology, green or outdoors) that operate as microstructures of the consumer device.
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    Creencias sobre educación inicial en cuatro instituciones educativas distritales en la ciudad de Bogotá-Colombia
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2017) Fandiño Cubillos, Graciela; Durán Chiappe, Sandra; Pulido González, Jenny; Cruz Velásquez, Erika
    This article presents an advance of the research: Beliefs about Initial Education in four District Educational Institutions, developed throughout the year 2015 and 2016, in order to know the pedagogical approaches with which the children’s income is being assumed over three years to the official educational institutions, from the approach to the beliefs of the teachers. The theoretical constructions, which entered into a dialogue with the research findings, were carried out around two fields, namely, Early Childhood Education and teacher beliefs. The methodological option of the study had a naturalist-descriptive approach, which allowed from the case study, to approach the thinking of teachers in initial education, based on their beliefs about the aims of Initial Education; the work contents that are developed in this particular cycle; the main forms of pedagogical work and the aspects that are cataloged as obstacles in the development of Initial Education, in the four institutions that were part of the study.
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    Tensiones y relaciones en la educación inicial: retos para la formación de maestros educadores de las infancias
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2017) Parra Moncada, Patricia
    This article tries to establish the tensions in the labor and formative scenarios of the teachers of children about issues that are strongly imbricated, such as care, teaching and education. These tensions are derived from the social representations that are held about these concepts, coupled with the ignorance of the implications of care and their interactions with education and teaching. Caring for, educating and teaching are fundamental tasks throughout life, and necessary to lead a dignified life.
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    A propósito de las maneras de nombrar y de su relación con lo nombrado. Una aproximación a lo que se entiende por pedagogía infantil en el contexto colombiano
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2017) Posada Giraldo, Diana María
    In Colombia, according to information offered by SNIES (National Information System on Higher Education), there are currently around 64 Bachelor Programs (including the programs offered by extension) dedicated to the training of teachers for children, under a plurality of denominations that correspond to the degrees that they award. Child Pedagogy is one of them. It has been 18 years since this way of naming was offered as an alternative along with that of Preschool Education, by Decree 272 of 1998; today, when by another Decree, 2450 of 2015 and Resolution 02041, 2016, Child Pedagogy as a degree is about to disappear, and instead the degree in Early Childhood Education as a unified denomination has been proposed. There are not systematic reflections in the country about what Child Pedagogy covers. This article is developed from three sections: the first presents the panorama of teacher training programs for children in relation to the denominations, the types of institutions and the scenarios of the national geography where they are offered. The second presents a brief tour of the ministerial dispositions referring to the changes in the denomination, and the last one tries to show what under the name of Child Pedagogy is understood in the Colombian context, from the analysis of four texts produced by professors assigned to the Teacher Training Program, as it is called, offered by Universidad de Antioquia, in the line of reflection that has been installed on itself since its creation in 2000, supplemented by two more texts produced by Francisco José de Caldas District University.
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    100 Preguntas y respuestas para comprender el conflicto colombiano. Tomo I - Tomo II
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2017) Montoya Vásquez, Mauricio A.
    El trabajo que se presenta a continuación nace, en un primer momento, como fruto de numerosos diálogos con colegas y amigos. Esta idea fue moldeándose paso a paso y gracias a las diferentes inquietudes que surgían en relación con el tema, pero especialmente, debido a una preocupación pedagógica de cómo acercar a muchas personas al conocimiento de una temática tan compleja y coyuntural como la del conflicto colombiano. Es claro que actualmente existe una gran cantidad y variedad de literatura especializada sobre el conflicto nacional, pero muchos de esos referentes son desconocidos, varios de ellos poco leídos y, en la mayoría de las ocasiones, solo trabajados por inquietos y estudiosos del tema, ya que suelen utilizar lenguajes altamente técnicos. Estas conclusiones fueron producto de decenas de encuestas y conversaciones con estudiantes y ciudadanos del común, quienes en un alto porcentaje, afirmaron no conocer ni haber leído ninguno de los textos referidos como básico para la comprensión del conflicto.
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    Educación rural y desigualdades: Una mirada desde la perspectiva de interculturalidad
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2017) Manco Rueda, Sergio Andrés
    To look at the current situation of rural education in Colombia, refers to broaching about the problems that cross the educational issue in these contexts. Some of them have to do with aspects related to the access to the school, school trajectories, the constructed learning and the contrast between the same and the common thing that inhabits the pedagogical proposals on which the rural school is based. This article addresses the concern about these situations in order to uncover the consequences in terms of social inequality that these problems bring with them. In addition, the intention is to think about interculturality as a pedagogical perspective that allows us to face them, seeking to mitigate the reproduction of social dynamics of subalternity, denial, control, discrimination and other nuances that are interwoven to give rise to a historical inequality to the that rural populations in Colombia have been subjected to.
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    La Palabra como paradoja en el discurso de la afirmación y negación de Dios
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2017) Zúñiga Rodríguez, Wilfrido
    The fundamental problem addressed by the present text is expressed as follows: What is the contribution that the human word makes from the questions that come from the discourse of the atheist regarding the self-understanding of man as a being that is torn between faith and reason? Thus formulated, it requires the articulation of the themes: The word as origin, the articulation between word and nature, nostalgia for the Absolute and the emptiness in creation, from different works and voices of authors that appear and configure the objective to fulfill: To show the criteria that support the questioning of faith in a God accepted and paradoxically rejected by both religions and atheism.
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    Del cuerpo grotesco al cuerpo moderno: una visión contemporánea del cuerpo desde el culto al culo
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2017) Urrego Estrada, Gleidy Alexandra; Betancur Hernández, Luisa Fernanda
    The grotesque body is wielded within a cultural imprint in comparison with a modern body divided, atomized; because it imposes itself on the advertising strategies of a current world which goes to the maximum expression of the bodymerchandise, an exuberant and exotic body that personalities of the “world of entertainment” exhibit on social networks like Instagram. The current text identifies the problematic interstice “the ass,” part of the body where the back loses its name and whose objective is the convergence between that grotesque modern body in Bajtin and, the contemporary body inscribed in the aesthetic and capitalist market. The hermeneutic-qualitative exercise does not escape from this special period between the bodies of these two contexts and is clarified in the analysis of the social networks of those celebrities who expose their backside as the end of eroticism and perfect body. The cult to the “ass” has a cultural framework that is wrapped in the physical and dietary work of hypermodernity where the end of the back and its exemplification or stereotype of the female body in postmodernity is worshipped.
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    Audiencias inteligentes. Tecnología al servicio de la sociedad
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2017) Ruiz Gómez, Sandra
    n terms of transit, there is little that has been innovated in services provided by areas such as inspections and that despite being conceived as a support structure for the jurisdictional branch, they contribute to the collapse of an ineffective system when administering justice. The “traditional” way in which procedures are carried out such as the public hearing, reduces the speed of processes. It is, therefore, necessary to use tools such as Communication and Information Technologies (hereinafter CIT) and propose alternative methods that allow these procedures to be carried out without violating the due process and that in turn give the citizen ease when appearing before the competent authority.
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    Breves anotaciones a “La hermenéutica del sujeto” de Michel Foucault desde una perspectiva dialógica
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2017) Palacio Gómez, Carlos Alberto
    This essay presents some brief notes on some passages of the work “The Hermeneutics of the Subject” written by Michel Foucault from a dialogical perspective on the human being. This perspective allows proposing some developments to the work of the French thinker. In particular, a fleeting allusion of Foucault to the deep historicalcultural roots of restlessness and self-care is approached and proposed as one of the matristic cultures, constantly denied and undervalued by the chronology of many humanist approaches. Secondly, in relation to the discourse that Socrates develops in Plato’s Banquet and which constitutes a mandatory reference to the concern of the self in antiquity, a specific response to the question is proposed, supported by a text by David Halperin: “ Why is Diótima a woman? “ Then, a comment made by Foucault about the existence of a tradition that produces a great resistance, a great opposition against the restlessness and care of itself and its origin is proposed. Finally, it is specified that the notion of Socrates’soul is dialogical: transcendently immortal and immanently subject of the action.
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    Alimentos transgénicos, una mirada social
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2017) Acosta Hurtado, María Antonia
    this article makes a reflection about the appearance of transgenic foods in society. This food is obtained by using biotechnology; however, in markets there have not been acceptation of this, due different factors that impact economic, environmental and social aspects. Some about this topic has proven the possible inconvenient generated by the consumption and production of this type of food, because inflict damages that might be irreversible in the future. In this article opinions before how it might influence ethics and moral in the development of the society before advances that present science and technology today, starting from the relevance that the human being has and the development lived nowadays in several ambits in their environment are submitted.
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    Habilidades para la crianza Una apuesta por ser significativo para la niñez
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2017) Acosta Quiroz, Lina María
    reflections about skills before parenting is and must be a construction of social conscience in a transformation process where practices influenced by experiences, knowledge and affections knit together. The article proposes concepts, from a constructive and social pedagogy reference, with regional and Latin-American writers, to strengthen the interaction between family and society, in pursuing the healthy development and growth of children. To understand the concepts as methods is avoided, this means, the perspective is not to generate recipes, but to be reflexive and offer theories to develop practical and adaptive skills in the family environment, in function to achieve being significant to children.
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    La adaptación escolar: una experiencia investigativa en preescolar
    (2016) Vergara M, Cruz Elena; Vélez Vasco, Isabel Cristina
    The adaptation to the school is an issue poorly approached in the psychoeducational field, and this is the reason for making this paper derived from a research work about the accompaniment given to pre-school children by teachers, during the process of adaptation to school, made in 2014-2015 at Tercer Milenio school in Caldas, Antioquia, Colombia. In order to accomplish the general objective of describing the teachers´ accompaniment in this process keeping in mind the subjectivities, a qualitative design under the founded theory was used in the research work to orientate the information analysis process. The results describe the notions, difficulties and strategies of the teachers during the children´s adaptation to school. Those results are split into three basic categories that include aspects such as: the child regarded as an “adult in miniature” or a “defenseless” being; the insufficiency in the education knowledge, the professional experience and the use of authority and, in the same direction, there are some limitations in the teaching activity; the maternal position, one of the ways to reduce anguish during the adaptation to school and their own childhood stories as a subjective mark that addresses their way to accompany students
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    Concepciones de ciudadanía y formación ciudadana en Guillermo Hoyos Vásquez
    (2016) Vélez Vélez, Jesús Andrés
    This paper contains a compilation of concepts related to citizenship and formation as citizens in Guillermo Hoyos Vásquez, which emerged from a revision of documents with his works between 1991 and 2013, in order to show elements to be considered within the Colombian education system. In the paper it can be seen how the different notions of citizenship in the educative establishment have conceptual implications concerning the citizenship formation criteria that do not favor participation and social transformation dynamics.
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    Relaciones significativas: el docente cuidador
    (2016) Agudelo Soto, Daniela; Cardona Loaiza, Katherin
    This paper makes a theoretical revision of the relationships established by children at the beginning of their lives, which positively or negatively influence their development. It was found that these relationships have a direct influence on the notion a person has of him/ herself, of the world and of the others, and families and schools play a protagonist role. Best teaching practices can boost mental health in the children. The conclusion is that establishing positive relationships with the children is more important than establishing prevention strategies.
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    How fruitful is the case study research?
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2015-01) González, Melina Ocampo; Arboleda Cardona, Sebastián
    This paper analyses the case study research methodology to answer the question about how fruitful is this method and whether or not it is worthy to be applied in social sciences. The case study method has been questioned and criticised along the history by some methodologists; others have defended it. The authors concluded that the case study method is generally criticized because it is arguably misunderstood. They recommend to researchers to follow a framework or prespecified procedures to avoid false hypotheses and generalize from relative and ambiguous conclusions.
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    Crónica de una desaparición forzada: Este mundo es muy chiquito1
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2015-01) Villegas Betancur, Mónica María
    Fernando –the protagonist of this story- was born in Tarazá, Antioquia, Colombia, and would be 40 years old at the time this paper is written. His hard childhood, which took place surrounded by poverty, marginality and violence, traced the lines of a hard fate to elude. He became an orphan at a very early age and was displaced from his homeland due to violence and at the end he became a victim of forced recruitment as a soldier for an illegal group and, later, a victim of forced disappearance. His youth, inexperience and lack of skills to face armed conflict would lead him to step on a landmine, and his family could never recover his body, which ended up in a mass grave. Fernando, who is a relative of mine, was the inspiration to make this reflection about the violations to human rights made within the Colombian armed conflict at the end of the 80´s and the first years of the 90´s.
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    Arqueología y genealogía en Michel Foucault
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2015-01) Carmona Aranzazu, Iván Dario
    Foucault tries to demonstrate how the great task proposed by critic is to be in alert before the truth speeches throughout our diverse and multiple moral practices. We must focus on a history of the present time, a history that dissolves the great idealizations and, with its pass through concepts, proposes a decomposition of the facts that lie behind them. This means that the pillars supporting the traditional history (systematicity, continuity and consensus) would be affected now by a suspicion on the speech of truth that supports this fact. In other words Foucault, adopting the genealogical view of Nietzsche, proposes to focus on the forms of power that can be seen in every fact, emerge from every moral practice and carry the fate of the randomness and of the contingent.